5 Signs You Do Not Have a Loving Female Led Relationship

Every relationship where the woman makes the important decisions is in fact, a Female Led Relationship, but not every Female Led Relationship is a Loving FLR.
Why should there even be a difference between a Female Led Relationship and a Loving FLR? There has to be a way to differentiate the two for those who are actively seeking to create a relationship that is female led. If you cannot define what you want, how will you know it when you encounter it?
How can you tell the difference between a Loving Female Led Relationship and the standard (Femdom) Female Led Relationship?
The woman defines herself as dominant and the man defines himself as submissive.
Haven written a complete guidebook for Loving FLRs, I explain that it is wise for those seeking a Loving FLR not to describe themselves as dominant or submissive because they will attract the wrong type of people. Submissive men are not looking to submit, they are looking for a woman who will dominate, control them and offer their kinks. Dominant women are not looking for empowerment, love and pleasure, they are looking for someone to control. While both dominant women and submissive men are a perfect match for each other, couples in Loving FLRs are not rooted in control, they are rooted in love for each other and respect for the defined roles that they have agreed to.
Men in Loving FLRs describe themselves as Gentlemen. Women in Loving FLRs describe themselves as whatever they want (Their Real Names, Goddess, Woman, Queen, Lady) but they never describe themselves as dominant. Why? Because domination is typically done by FORCE and men in Loving FLRs do not need to be forced to do anything so they do not need a dominant woman.
The woman shares more about the things she does TO her partner instead of all of the wonderful things her partner does FOR her.
When you ask a woman about her FLR and she immediately goes into how much she controls him and all the ways she loves denying him pleasure and keeping him under lock and key, that is a Femdom FLR. She freely admits with her stories that the focus is on controlling HIM rather than empowering HER. A woman in a Loving FLR will always share stories about how happy she is and how much her partner pampers, adores and empowers her. The focus in a Loving FLR is HER happiness. The focus of a Femdom FLR is controlling HIM.
There is evidence of force, aggressive control or corporal discipline in the relationship.
In a Loving FLR, the man willingly participates and honors the wishes of the woman he loves. She will not need to forcefully correct him, berate him or offer him corporal punishment, all she has to do is express her displeasure and her displeasure alone is enough to correct him because he cares about her happiness more than anything else. He does not demand that she exert physical, mental and emotional effort in order to guide him and she will not exert physical dominance over him for her pleasure. His desire is to decrease her workload, not to amplify it with bad behavior.
The woman believes she is superior to her partner.
A woman in a Loving FLR would never have a partner that she believes is less capable than she is. She chooses him for his abilities, skills and talents, not because he desperately needs a leader. He is not her servant, he is her partner and her life is improved by his presence. She views him as a companion and teammate.
BDSM, Femdom or Kink is required.
All of the kinky definitions of a Female Led Relationship do not apply here. The best and most respected way to determine if a couple is in a Loving Female Led Relationship or a Femdom Female Led Relationship is to see if she feels obligated to deliver his kinks. If she cannot say NO to delivering his kinks, they have a Femdom FLR. In fact, if she cannot say NO to a certain request that he initiates, they do not have a FLR at all.
In a Loving FLR, the woman’s happiness is the priority.
Thank you, I never cared for the idea of inequality nor the associated punishment to keep me straight!
Yes, a loving relationship should be based on love and respect. The dominant partner only has priority. (And I don’t care about the traditional male led relationships, they can hardly be loving.
I cannot believe some men would put themselves in such a risky situation.All I ever read about on these pathetic sites are women who break the law in punishing their men in illegal ways and there must be so many feminists on these boards who believe they have the right to both rule and ruin male lives.Throwing your life away may seem sexy when you are 20 but,as you both age,you change,well one of you does,the submissive victim is not allowed to so,once a slave always a slave.There are just too many radfems out there nowadays and they are spending their lives slowly eroding any male values in order to make what they think will be a happier world but no female led world has ever been peaceful,anything but peaceful and the number who have depression rises every year.bE VERY CAREFUL FOLKS.