7 Ways to Worship the Woman You Love

Men in Female Led Relationships enjoy showing appreciation for the women in their lives in ways that are a little more emotionally involved than the average man. We call this type of appreciation worship because it demonstrates a man’s willing devotion to the happiness and satisfaction of the woman he loves.
Every man should learn how to worship the woman he loves. Here are 7 ways to excel at the art of worshiping a woman.
Oral Sex
Offering a loving session of cunnilingus is the number one way to worship the woman you love. When you kneel before her treasure and your focus is only on pleasing her, you are showing her that you honor her in the most fundamental and pleasurable way.
Paint Her Nails
If you want to worship a woman with love show her that you appreciate the details of her body by spending an evening painting her nails for her. This simple act allows her to feel like a princess and it allows you the pleasure of her undivided attention so that you can offer her verbal worship and words of appreciation.
Shop For Her
When you go out specifically to buy a gift for the woman you love you are worshiping her because you are focused on creating happiness for her. If you always shop for lingerie for her this is often seen as a selfish gift since it is for your viewing pleasure. Instead, buy a nice dress or work outfit that you know she will love. Be sure to get the size right! When she walks out of the door wearing the outfit you chose for her she will feel empowered beyond anything you can imagine.
Exceed Her Expectations
You can’t worship a woman unless you know her desires. Get to know the hidden desires of the woman you love and work feverishly to deliver them. Take it one step further and imagine how her desires can be expanded and made even more grand, then work to exceed her expectations. Watching her squeal with delight after you have surprised her with her dream come true is your constant goal.
Cook For Her
When you take the time to personally prepare a nourishing meal for the woman you love, you are worshiping her. There is nothing fucking sexier than when a man is standing in the kitchen in front of the stove and the scents from the meal he is preparing is wafting through the air. When you walk your sexy ass over to place the hot meal in front of the woman you love, it melts her heart. She will fall in love with you all over again.
Listen to How She Feels
You can worship a woman without saying a word when you take the time to listen to how she feels each day. Listen to her. Really hear her out. This means to never disregard the things she takes the time to share with you. If her opinion or issue is important enough for her to discuss it with you, it should be respected and regarded as valuable. Listen to how she feels. Open your heart and listen. She wants you to hear her, to make her feel safe, to really know that her private thoughts are being received with a captive and caring ear.
Be silent and listen to her.
Massage Her Body
Another excellent method of worshiping the woman you love is body worship. When you decide to devote an evening to body worship you are offering attention and praise to a woman’s entire being. You bathe her, oil her and touch massage every inch of her skin. While you are offering her this deluxe massage you are reminding her of how perfect she is for you and how lucky you are to be awarded the gift of being allowed to touch her body.
This is the woman who has chosen to stand with you through life. This is the body that will bear your children. This is the body that will comfort you during rough days. This is the body that will offer you the sexual pleasure that you crave. This is the physical body that houses the spirit that has captivated you. Cherish her body. Touch her body. Kiss her body. Praise her body. Love her body.
If you want to learn more about how to be a good man to a good woman, order the FLR Guidebook How to Love a Powerful Woman.
Another fabulous post! The old saying , “it is better to give than receive,” is so true. I find that the more I devote myself to her pleasure, the more pleasure I also experience. The joy of a FLR is that I’m not focusing on me , and when I have that attitude, the tension is gone.
A twist to “Shopping for her” is willingly shopping with her. I have found that when I shop for her, I tend to get her what I want. She appreciates my attempt, but I seldom make the best choices. I have found that when we go together it works out better. We enjoy our time together, she can get my feedback if she desires, and she gets exactly what she wants. The gift of time is also a way I honor her. Either way is great, just another way of approaching it. Also, I recommend a book titled “She Comes First- the thinking man’s guide to pleasuring a woman,” by Ian Kerner. It’s a wonderful book on the art of cunnilingus. It’s a fantastic resource.
How do I get my beloved to accept offers of Cunnilingus (without reciprocation needed) (before or during or as the end to a session of love making or sex) (i love worshipping her orally and give her that pleasure); Pampering (painting her nails or washing her hair or massaging her body or parts of her body like neck or feet or head/scalp or hands, again, without reciprocation required or requested); Shopping (i buy what I think she likes and wants and will look good in – she has a wonderful body but isn’t that body confident – and then tell her to keep what she likes and return the rest, but she doesn’t accept warmly if at all); Cooking (she doesn’t like the way I cook even though I tell her I will cook what she likes the way she likes and I print and give her recipes for me to cook for her and the family, but she doesn’t accept the offers of cooking or the recipes warmly if at all); Listening to Her (maybe I ask or suggest incorrectly or maybe she feels pressured by me – not my intent, but it’s hard to get her to talk about her feelings or what she wants or likes) and I try hard to Exceed Her Expectations (because I love making her smile and delighting her, but I feel sometimes that it’s impossible)
Hello Den, I was in the same boat some years ago in my marriage. The issue in the approach is that we keep trying and expecting something from our wife. Instead of pleasing her, we are actually creating additional stress.
After years, what I have dome is little by little doing things that will release her stress without expecting anything, even a comment.
I run to get the laundry started and I will tell her to let me do it all, and she can focus in something else. Didn’t work at the beginning, as she felt guilty and wanted to help. But little by little she has given up and now I can do it all, I never pressured her. I make sure I get up early and start the coffee and breakfast. Now she learned to expect that. I can’t cook as she does, and by the way she loves cooking, so I help if she is stock at work and will be late, but most of the time she prefers to cook dinner.
But even if it takes time, just try and don’t ask for recognition or anything, you will learn what she wants, and then focus on it. It is all about her after all.
I read this article, and not all apply to our relationship. For example, she rather gets her clothe, something else she enjoy doing. But I do give her all kind of massages. The feet masages took some time to get to the point we are now. She was shy, and I did move slow to not pressure her. Now, after some years, we come from work at the end of the day, and we will go to the sofa, she will just put her feet on my lap, and doesn’t say anything. I just start the massage and we talk. She now can do that even in front of my boys, and even my parents 🙂
So, learn what she likes, ad do it, never ask for anything, as then it would be for you and not for her.
One thing I haven’t been able to get, is for her to tell me “Good boy” or something like that after I do something for her. I still have hopes as I have seen changes, but for now, I just keep pampering her.
I’m wanting to explore a FLR. Where do I meet men interested??
Hi Debra.
I have created a Community where you can meet others interested in FLRs. It’s https://community.conquerhim.com/ You can also take my course on Becoming a Goddess to learn how to create a FLR in your next relationship. Here is the link. The next class begins Sept. 6. http://lovingflr.com/flr-womens-leadership-coaching/
Hi Debra or Goddess!
We should connect as I am looking to be supportive of you 🙂
i already do these things and more for my goddess wife
Is the oral sex because the man is in a chastity device?
This is truly beautiful. I’m glad that this site is not focusing on sex/fetish aspect of flr. There are too many of those, which are frankly more fantasy than reality. But I like this site very much. It’s practical and from a woman’s perspective.
These are beautiful, practical, wise suggestions. It took me many years to figure these things out on my own. I wish so very much that there had been a source like this, and women leaders like Te-Erika willing to share their guidance, when I was a young man. I hope my sons are fortunate enough to grow into a world with strong female leadership for all.
I wish I’d understood all of this some years ago when I was in a very loving relationship with a strong-willed, South African lady. We broke up after only four months and I realise now that I didn’t do the right things to please her. She’d had asked me to perform cunnilingus on her one time and I’d refused., thinking it was a bit too dirty. I only wish perhaps if I’d willingly agreed to it, maybe our relationship might have lasted a little longer.. She had a supportive but controlling nature which I wasn’t sure I should completely submit too. This created friction in our relationship. She would punish me by refusing to talk to me when I got things wrong, to make me aware that I’d made a mistake. I realise now after reading information on this site, that I should have surendered completely to her will. I still feel bad about my conduct in that relationship and hope not to repeat these mistakes in the future. I should have said “yes” more and “no” less often. Now I really long for another FLR with the right woman and hope to get it right this time. Am wrong to want this ? Please advise.