His Attention to Detail Makes Him a Great Partner

Hello! I am 28 years old and I am a travel nurse so I’ve been able to live and work in several different places in the country. I’m a woman with a lot interests! I love running, working out, doing outdoor things and trying new activities. I also like to sing and play guitar.
For the longest time I’ve never had a successful relationship. But when my now husband told me about the concept – I was blown away! The more I learned I thought about it I realized that this was what I was wanting and needing my whole life. What sold me on the idea giving it a real try was when I opened up to him and said I didn’t think I was ready for an exclusive relationship but I really liked him. He said he’d be totally OK with me seeing other men if I wanted to. I knew I found a keeper.
We are both home most of the day. I only work 3 days a week and he can do his job from anywhere, which is why it works out so great with my travel nursing. We share house chores for the most part but he always cleans the kitchen and bathrooms, basically because he’s good at it. We never really organized it in any way but he always does what I ask of him and I help when I can. He knows that I get anxious about clutter and disorganization, so he likes setting my mind at ease.
Any time after I come home from a 12 hour hospital shift he always makes sure I’m coming back to a peaceful home, which I appreciate a lot. Usually he makes me a drink and even rubs my feet on the couch as We talk about the day.
Sometimes when I go on a date I might bring the guy to our home and my husband will have a small snack and make us drinks and then leave us be. This shows me that he cares about me having a great time and it shows how secure of a man he is.
My husband has always loved, adored, respected and revered powerful and confident women. Heck, he was raised by one. Also his independence and attention to detail makes him a great partner. He knows so many of the little things like how I like my coffee and how I like our bed made just as much as he remembers the bigger things like my twin sister’s death anniversary and realizing when I need space.
I feel like I am a much more confident and happy woman. It’s helped me realize a lot of my dreams. The biggest benefit by far is truly having a relationship on your own terms. When someone – especially a partner – recognizes you as a powerful woman or Goddess(!) it can make you more powerful. The biggest challenge I’d say is a tie between both of us becoming comfortable to be fully “out” about our Loving FLR and find a way to correct his behavior when I need to.
I’m always proud of my FLR. But one time in particular some guys we knew at my brother in law’s wedding were teasing my husband and calling him things like “Mr. Mom”, which is weird because we don’t have kids but whatever. Finally when we were leaving the reception a drunk groomsmen said my husband wasn’t a really man and he could show me what a real man was like.
Without thinking I quipped back, “How many of you can make a powerful woman happy as long as he has?” They all fell silent! It felt kind of liberating. I can’t stand bullies, especially drunk ones. I couldn’t keep from smiling.
A time recently where I felt really proud of his domestic skills and him being Mr. Mom is when we had a house warming party with girls that I work with and some neighbors. My husband cooked, made drinks and even did dishes. I helped at many points of course, but he really took charge of the whole event. Many of the ladies were impressed and complemented us the entire evening. Some even said they wished their boyfriend or husband were more like him. You can’t imagine how proud I was.
Ladies, before starting a Loving FLR make sure you’ve shed at least some of the shame our society puts on confident women, it can be hard to lead a relationship while still carrying that.
I wish I had known about Loving FLR’s sooner! More women would pursue them if they only knew!
open relationship do not show commitment by either party.
I would disagree. If an open relationship is what she wants then it is a very important commitment to accept and support what she wants.
That may be true, but, would she be so accepting if he went out and brought a date home to their house? She does not want an exclusive relationship, but probably expects him to be exclusive with her? You call this site lovingflr but from most of what i read and see it is more about selfish flr.
Well from the story I read, it sounds like the husband suggested the open relationship. It sounds like he’s okay with her dating. It’s an arrangement that might be working for them. Don’t judge so quickly.
Its got nothing to do with loving flr is femdom take the pop quiz. I scored 12 out of 12 for a reason
If he were to bring a date home, he’d first have to know if she was okay with it. Therefore he would have to discuss it with her. Judging by what she said, what we know is that he has no such desire. And as I said, if he has such desires, he has to talk to her first.
Mike. Within the FLR concept, it’s all about prioritizing what she wants, isn’t it?
Props to the guy for actually doing that.
Loving flr is not femdom the reason its called loving is because its between 2 not 3 or 4 that is hardcore femdom thumbs down
Very intriguing dynamic going on here. I would love to get the perspective of the partner. Does he participate in the open relationship (pursue other women) Does he not fear his wife developing chemistry with another and potentially bailing on the relationship?
My wife is a lesbian, and has me locked in permanent chastity (was my idea, since I know she doesn’t like the male organ). So she wouldn’t want to date other men, but she will want to date other women, and I am 100% in support of that, if/when she chooses.
Very nice relationship. She is happy and he loves pleasing her. I would not judge the fact that she chooses to date other men.