
Top 3 Reasons Men Crave Loving Female Led Relationships

Most men crave being involved with a Powerful Woman in a Loving Female Led Relationship and it can happen for many of them if they decide that the woman who presents herself is more important than the fantasy they have in their minds. Yes, the fantasies men hold for Loving FLRs are the very thing
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Loving Female Led Relationships Are Not A Kink or Fetish for Submissive Men

Because I received an email from a subscriber named James with naked photos as attachments, I thought this sentiment was worth repeating so that every man knows the truth about Loving Female Led Relationships. Loving Female Led Relationship are not a kink or fetish for submissive men. Loving FLR does not promote BDSM, kink, fetish
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I Wanna Know What Turns You On (FLR Lyrics)

Enjoying my evening and listening to the radio, I smiled when this song played. Then it hit me- This song is perfect for a Loving FLR! This song is about a man who sincerely asks his lady what he can do to turn her on, make her smile and be her everything. He is asking
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How Do We Separate Loving FLR from the BDSM Community?

As I grow this movement into the mainstream I am disheartened when I see that mostly kinksters and fetishists comment, like and share the posts I create. Their profiles boast names like sissy-master-slave and their pictures show images of men kneeling before women or sexual control and I cringe each time I see them. I
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Every Man Who Wants a FLR Should Ask Himself 3 Questions

After more than 4 years as a FLR Coach I see the same issues come up with men who present themselves for coaching and I thought I would give you a heads up so that you can tackle these issues before they get out of hand. Whether you are single or married, in a FLR
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Robert Was Desperate For a FLR

Robert and Santia contacted me because they needed help establishing their Loving Female Led Relationship. Robert desperately wanted a Female Led Relationship but his insistence made Santia a miserable woman. Robert was focused on his kinks alone and Santia could not keep up with his demands. To him, implementing his kinks were the definition of a
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I Refuse to Coddle Men

Someone recently wrote to me to call me a bitch and proclaim that I hate men. I thought about it for a second because you never know, sometimes my actions could have hidden meanings that I don’t even understand. What I came to realize after taking the time to consider it is the fact that
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A Manifesto for a Female Led Society – AVAILABLE NOW!

A Manifesto for a Female Led Society – AVAILABLE NOW!

Have you ever wondered what our world would be like if we ended patriarchy? A Manifesto for a Female Led Society outlines a plan for a society guided by women. NOW AVAILABLE!!!! A Manifesto for a Female Led Society A Manifesto for a Female Led Society answers every single question you submitted about establishing a Female Led Society
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