
Does Kelly Ripa and Marc Consuelos Have a Loving FLR?

Who doesn’t think the morning talk show host Kelly Ripa is adorable? If you haven’t laid eyes on her husband Marc, you are missing out because he is just as adorable. In fact, throw in their adorable children and that household is right out of a sitcom!

What I didn’t know was how the couple met and what allowed their marriage to last for 23 years. It turns out the pair met when Marc was cast as a love interest for Kelly when she was a soap opera actress. Their romance sizzled on and off the screen and within months of meeting her Marc proposed. Why did Kelly say she fell fast for the Latin hunk?

“I was drawn to Mark because he was positively an alpha male, and I didn’t think I would be drawn to that. But I just worship him,” Kelly told Elle in 2013.

She worships him?

“I actually call him Desi, because the thing about Desi was that as much attention as Lucy got, Desi was always in charge,” Kelly shared with Elle.

He’s always in charge?

“If I were back in the 1950s, I’d be perfectly happy [with our relationship],” Marc once said.

The 1950’s??? Wait.

Well, if she worships him. He is an alpha male and he says they would be perfect for the 1950’s model of relationships could this possibly be a Loving Female Led Relationship?


But how?

A Loving Female Led Relationship does not prescribe to gender roles or any set expectations. A Loving Female Led Relationship is whatever the woman wants and allows it to be as long as there is no aggression/abuse involved. If Kelly wants an Alpha male to call the shots, dominate her and allow her to worship him and that is what makes her happy and he does all the things that make her happy then she is in a relationship where she is satisfied.

She allows him to be the Alpha male. She could fight him. She could try to wear him down. She does not. She steps back and allows him to lead, encourages him to be the leading man in her life and enjoys her partnership with him.

A Loving Female Led Relationship is all about the woman having the relationship of her dreams. If the man is able to support that without competing with her or trying to change her mind, he is supporting her vision and she wins!

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