Former White House Chief Strategist Predicts Women Will Take Over Society

A journalist by the name of Joshua Green recently published a book called Devil’s Bargain. In the book he interviewed former White House Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon, who he claims is terrified of the #MeToo movement.
According to Business Insider, Bannon told Green, “The anti-patriarchy movement is going to undo ten thousand years of recorded history. You watch. The time has come. Women are gonna take charge of society.”
The time is NOW for the ascension of a Female Led Society. Professionals who are trained to watch for trends and predict outcomes are certain that there is a forthcoming cultural shift that will change humanity. Thankfully, the members of LovingFLR.Com and FemaleLedSociety.Org are on board for the transition and eager to be a part of our new future.
Women must be seen and heard.
If you are a supporter of the movement for a Female Led Society, pledge your support by offering a donation so that we can continue to grow, joining the Loving FLR Social Community or educating yourself through one of our Loving Female Led Relationship Coaching Programs.
Your support will help establish, encourage and promote Loving Female Led Relationships that empower women to lead their homes and ultimately take their rightful places as leaders in society.
I believe whole-heartedly in this vision for a better future! It’s already coming into being. Goddess energy is rising and we women must take our power and use it for good.
Men had their chance and they ruined everything. We have to fix the world, together.