How Do People in Female Led Relationships Find Each Other in Real Life?

When you recognize that a Female Led Relationship is the best fit for you, it may come as a surprise that most couples feel this way except they do not use the term FLR.
The reason why FLR seems to be such a groundbreaking idea for you may be the fact that you have yet to encounter the person who is the best fit for you. When you meet someone who is a good fit for who you are, you will naturally develop a FLR, a relationship that empowers women. Your FLR will be your best and most natural inclination, when you feel secure and loved.
Women who are NOT in FLRs feels as though they are unimportant and not valued. They feel that they are not seen and heard.
Men who are NOT in FLRs feel as though they have to put up a macho act at all times even when they feel stuck or weak.
These two situations are not a normal state of being for anyone. This is why most relationships fail. People who are not in FLRs are hurt and confused about love and they lash out at each other because they do not know what else to do.
When you are ready to step into your brightest future in love, you are ready for a Female Led Relationship.
How do you meet someone to create a Female Led Relationship?
It’s the same as any other relationship but you must be willing to interact in the way that represents who you truly are, even if you believe the other person will walk away from you. You have to take the risk of being your real self to see if who you are will be appreciated.
You have to go out and meet people. ANYONE. ANYWHERE. Instead of looking at race, weight or status, look at behavior.
For Men
You have to demonstrate a servant’s heart with action. Take care of her without needing anything in return. Give her the desires of her heart as though she will never break your heart. If she views you as weak or does not show appreciation, she is not the one.
For Women
You have to be willing to speak OPENLY and ASK for what you want exactly without expecting him to guess or know what you want by some telepathic force. You have to make a request that is not really a request, it is direction. If he follows your direction willingly without demanding that you meet his needs, he is a good potential partner.
If you need to chat privately about your desire for a FLR because you need support and encouragement, try the FLR Coaching by Email Program. It is quite effective.