Listen To Episode 1 of Our Loving FLR Interview Series

We’re moving out of the shadows of the black words on a white screen to showcase our PRIDE in Loving Female Led Relationships with a NEW LOVING FLR INTERVIEW SERIES!
In episode 1 we meet 4 intriguing guests who are all engaged in Loving Female Led Relationships and are proud to share their stories! These real people use their real names and identities because they know there is PRIDE in engaging in Loving Female Led Relationships!
Each interview is between 20-30 minutes long. Each guest details their real journeys to developing Loving FLRs and what life is like now that they have them.
Check out these clips from the interviews posted on our YouTube channel and then head on over to our Online Academy to listen to the full interviews.
Is orgasm control and chastity an integral part of a Loving FLR? Dave offers his input.
What are the red flags women should look for when dating to establish a Loving FLR? Sandra weighs in.
How do you broach the subject of a Loving FLR when your wife is not completely interested? Dave shares his method.
How do you get your husband to consider establishing a Loving FLR? Brian shares how his wife did it.
After 10 years of operating in a Loving FLR does it ever get tiring? Do the children view their Loving FLR as a positive relationship? Steve shares his true feelings.
If you want to add your story to our Loving FLR Interview Series, complete this form and I will reach out right away! Those who are chosen for an interview do receive special perks!
1 yr anniversary that he remembered, she didn’t? Doesn’t sound much different from ?MLR?…
again, society blamed for totally ignoring female authority, he learns to submit from his wife’s 1 yr of domination becoming natural, normal, and wanted. where to go from there?
—–2:30 dave————————
spent a week test driving you? kick your tires,
——–4 minutes in —
common theme was where she was directing the relationship
did some research? online i’m guessing.. finding what she’s looking for.. dominant woman definitions.. ok, not quite what she wants.. whip cracking not her idea.
loving FLR.. now i know who I am at the core in a relationship that works..
communication and acceptance is something we all are looking for.. I am glad these 3 (probably 4rth too) are heading in the right direction