Loving FLR Is Not Just a Relationship Style, It’s a Movement

Thank you for choosing to visit LovingFLR.Com. By reading this message you are supporting a blossoming movement that aims to advance the effort to establish a Female Led Society.
Once women recognize and accept that they can lead their households successfully, they will likely move on to become leaders outside of their homes as well. Â This type of shift will bring harmony to human kind, allowing the best of the best to rise to the top regardless of gender or sexual preference.
The hope for a Female Led Society is not just advancement for women. It is advancement for everyone who has been marginalized because of physical or biological attributes that they have no control over. This is the time and we are the ones who can incite that type of change. I believe that teaching women and men about Loving Female Led Relationships will help to establish harmony and order in the world, setting to rest some of the social ills that have plagued us for centuries.
Your support and participation have made this possible. Each time you make a purchase from the online store, register for a class, make a donation or join the Loving FLR Community you are helping to push this movement forward.
Yes, we are a small movement. But, every small movement, if consistent, eventually picks up steam. There may not be thousands of people in the Loving FLR Community (yet) but with each day that passes it grows. We need you to join to help it grow. Make your presence known. Stick around and ask questions and participate. Represent your city so that others can find you. While we are growing, your patience and presence is appreciated.
Buy a T-Shirt. Tell a friend about Loving FLRs. Share a video on your social media. Buy a book as a gift for a woman you care about. Write an email to your favorite media outlet to tell them about Loving FLRs and how it could change society and help advance women. Invite them to interview me about the book She Wants.Â
I can do all the maintenance and creating of products and services that will empower your personal relationships and I would appreciate it if you were patient with ME while I try to get the word out by helping me to tell others about this movement. You can offer suggestions and feedback, which will help me to represent you more professionally. You can also offer your specific services or areas of expertise to help take the pressure off of me creating so much by myself.
There have been some amazing people behind the scenes who have taken the time to write me to express their appreciation, help me edit, to create a few graphics or volunteer as ambassadors in the Loving FLR Community. Pick up your torch and help too. There’s not a day that goes by that I am not actively creating something that will help this movement to grow.
This movement really does have the potential to go far and be respected in the mainstream. We can teach women how to be leaders and how to stand tall in all situations. We can teach men how to support women instead of competing with them.
If you don’t know how you can help, consider offering a recurring donation to keep things flowing. And your questions are always welcome- that’s how I get content ideas for the site!
What’s in store if we can keep this movement moving?
A Dating App
A Personal Match Making Service
LIVE Meet & Greets in Cities Across the World
An Annual Convention
Can you picture it?
To be honest, I am very much capable of leading this movement and seeing it to fruition. I have the intelligence, will power, creativity and I am a GODDESS. I am not afraid to represent you and this movement, speak on it publicly and advocate for it. If you are ready to help move forward, I am too.
You can help by:
1.Start by Joining the Loving FLR Community. Â Because we are just starting, you may be one of the first people in your city but we need you to represent so that others will know they are not alone. Your presence is IMPORTANT.
2. Then share your story on LovingFLR.Com. The more stories we share, the more people see that this is not an isolated relationship style. There are thousands of people interested in and living out this lifestyle.
3. Pledge a donation or become a sponsor so that I can have the freedom to focus on growing this movement.
I appreciate your attention, your focus and your support.
We can change the world. It all starts here.
A Female Led Society and Loving Female Led Relationships has to be one of the most important, positive, vital and enlightened and enlightening movements there is. It’s a movement that is empowering for both sexes, one which I can’t see any negatives in, and I believe it’s a movement that will only continue to grow and we will all be better off for that.
Wish you the best.
Thank you Te-Erika for writing this article and for reaching out and asking us to help. I would be honored to assist you . Your bravery inspires me to do more. I want to help with this movement. I will send you an email shortly and you are always welcome to contact me. I believe in you, your creation, and I believe our society is ready too.
Simon, thank you. I love your comment. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you Angel, that was lovely of you to say.