What Does It Mean For a Woman To Lead A Relationship?

When a woman leads a relationship she sets the pace and determines the progress of the relationship. This isn’t really about a woman being the authority, although kink-minded men like to think of it in that way. A couple’s decision to allow the woman to lead the relationship indicates that they both trust her judgment and believe that her wisdom concerning the progress of their affairs will help the relationship reach its peak.
When a woman leads a relationship she:
- Determines how often they will spend time together
- Decides when to become sexually active and how often
- Shares her opinions on matters that concerns them without hesitation
- Decides when to become monogamous and/or when it is time to get married
- Expresses her expectations for the progress of their relationship openly
- Sets the vision for the lifestyle she wants to enjoy with him
- Expects and accepts his unwavering support for her decisions
- Advises him on important decisions that impact her
- Holds him to high standards for his personal progress
- Sets firm standards for their interactions with each other and with the world
Where do you want this relationship to go? In a Female Led Relationship SHE DECIDES.
If you want to learn more about how to structure your Female Led Relationship, join our FLR Coaching Program for Women!
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After reading this post from about 1 year ago, I realized that every bullet point that describes when a woman leads a relationship is being confidently carried out by my wife.
I am happy to be led by my wife and am lucky to be in a Successful FLR. I hope many more couples can also enjoy this lifestyle.