Are Men In Female Led Relationships Subordinate to the Woman?

While some men have a fantasy of being inferior to women and being mistreated and corrected harshly, women in Loving Female Led Relationships would NEVER treat a man that way. Women who believe that men are inferior or subordinate are not operating under the LOVING guidelines of Loving Female Led Relationships.
Gentlemen in Loving Female Led Relationships are treated as though they are heroes. Yes, women who engage in Loving FLRs can easily express their displeasure with a man’s behavior, but that is because he has created a relationship where she feels empowered to do so. When she does express displeasure it is seen as loving correction and not disparagement. Gentlemen in Loving FLRs are the backbone of their relationships. They make life easier for the woman. They take care of the loose ends so that she can be free to direct the progress of the relationship. Does this sound like a subordinate to you? Would you treat someone who was dedicated to your happiness and success as someone who was beneath you?
Gentlemen in Loving Female Led Relationships should be treated with respect and honor. These men are stronger than the average man. They are not going to compete with you; they want you to win. As a woman in a Loving FLR his success and happiness is a reflection of your leadership.
Love a Gentleman in a Female Led Relationship as you would love yourself. He is not your subordinate. He is not your playtoy. His opinions matter. His happiness matters. He’s a man who is strong enough to be your anchor through life and for that reason he should be valued.
Very well written. My wife knows my happiness mostly revolves around her happiness. Her correction of my execution of the many loose ends she delegates to me are seldom meant to treat me as her subordinate. Rather, they clarify how she wants something done. This allows me to continually improve and expand the loose ends she wants handled.
When she thanks me or tells me, “You were such a good husband today”, it makes me very happy and I feel valued. This feedback motivates me every day
I think it’s more putting a woman on a pedestal
A Loving FLR is like a traditional relationship where both the man’s and woman’s demands are met with the condition that the woman has her priority in the main focus. As like any other relationship it requires intimacy, passion and commitment with mutually directed love and respect. It is a relationship model where the woman is free to express her opinions on anything she prefers and take steps accordingly without the fear of being stopped or discouraged.