Only Wise Women Can Lead FLRs

While every man can create a FLR by simply honoring the choices of the woman he loves, only smart women can truly LEAD a Female Led Relationship because leading the direction and progress of a relationship takes skills that every woman doesn’t have.
In order for a woman to successfully lead a Loving Female Led Relationship she should be:
Resourceful– Able to figure out solutions to problems as they arise.
Loving – Offers direction and guidance with love.
Flexible– Understands that sometimes the world does not conform to her wishes and she can figure out how to navigate the changing winds regardless.
Powerful – People want to follow her direction without her having to ask them to.
Wise– Recognizes potentially harmful situations before they arise and can navigate her family and relationship around them.
Confident- She trusts her own instincts above all others and believes she deserves the best from life.
The average woman who has not been exposed to their brilliance and are unaware of their power can not truly lead a Female Led Relationship but she can still be respected.
The smart and capable woman who achieved success in her own right and has the confidence to take a risk for what she wants and face the consequences head on is the right leader for your Female Led Relationship.
How do I find women who enjoy FLR?
I hate to dismiss this article but I will. Clearly FLR’s are about Female Empowerment within a relationship. this may well have consequences in the greater world though her growing confidence, her realisation that she can, rather than the wonder of can she?
The writer is clearly a Feminist, nothing wrong with that, except she writes her articles from a one dimensional perspective. Fact, not all women are holders of all 6 must have characteristics to be in a FLR.
Yes of course they can be enhanced or developed through having an FLR, but they are not necessary to begin one. A great many FLR’s are begun at the request of her male partner. A great many are initially to spice up a stale or troubled relationship sexually. Some are the only way a relationship can survive. FLR’s take only two things, a man who is willing to hand himself over a woman he trusts and a woman who is willing to accept his submission to her. A woman who demands his submission is called a dominatrix. Not entirely the same concept.
My partner & I are fledglings in the lifestyle. She is the first woman I have ever truly loved enough to expose my deepest desire for an FLR to. At first her reaction was as I guess many women’s would be. Whilst she is intelligent and capable with a strong will of her own, she by her own admission would tell you she struggled at first to see herself leading our relationship this way. She also questioned whether she wanted an FLR or indeed a man who wanted to be in an FLR!
Her first impression was as is many peoples, that the FEMDOM aspects were to be BDSM based entirely.
Let’s understand something else, it takes a strong man to deliver himself to his beloved in a FLR lifestyle. Her acceptance will change them both for the better. They will both become more fulfilled as individuals and stronger as a couple. Let’s not dismiss the idea that many women prefer to be in a MLR. Some women cannot respect a man unless his Alpha nature controls her.
My point is that NO woman should have to feel she cannot have an FLR just because she is made to feel inadequate by some bloggers list of what she believes it takes to be up to the job.
Another great article. Thank you for posting.
I accept the point made by the previous poster.
I think that someone that has not yet attained these abilities / skills / characteristics should still be considered capable of a Leading a FLR… we are all evolving and growing and learning to fit into our own skins.
I come from having experience in leadership and now am seeking a Leader of my own. I need an equal of sorts. I need someone I can defer to and have them lead me.
Leadership is a skill that needs to be developed and practiced, failures as well as successes need to be made, the skills and abilities of those around you need to be recognised and on and on…
Having trained leaders, I can recognise aspects of all these attributes listed above…in some respect in everybody… and if they need more development, then with the support and guidance of those around them… they can become the better version of themselves that I as a support person, want to see.
I firmly believe that, any one, with the right support, can become a leader…but maybe that shows how deeply rooted my need to support others, is?
I agree that the person I personally seek should have highly developed leadership skills… but I would also hate to discount someone that doesn’t currently possess all the attributes listed above… we are all learning…
The last two sentences are important…
‘The average woman who has not been exposed to their brilliance and are unaware of their power can not truly lead a Female Led Relationship but she can still be respected.’
‘The smart and capable woman who achieved success in her own right and has the confidence to take a risk for what she wants and face the consequences head on is the right leader for your Female Led Relationship.’
Exposure of, uncovering, releasing a woman’s inner strength and Respect is the key…