The President of France Expresses Appreciation for His Loving FLR

In a rare moment of transparency, Emmanuel Macron, the President of France spoke with CNN about his controversial marriage to Brigitte Macron, a woman who is 24 years older than he is. President Macron met his wife when he was a 15-year-old high school student and she was his teacher. Years later, she divorced her husband and married him, standing by his side as he grew into adulthood and into politics.
“I do believe that you don’t build something great and you don’t behave properly if you’re not balanced and a strong couple. I’ve been with my wife for decades now and she’s part of me,” Macron said according to CNN.
Aside from the fact that he has had an older and wiser woman that he respected as an authority by his side for ‘decades’ it was this additional revelation that confirmed, at least to me, that President Macron is indeed involved in a Loving FLR.
I take this statement as an indication that he has plenty of people in his life who offers him their opinions but HER opinion is the opinion that he regards as TRUTH above everyone else’s. He mentions that she has “deep convictions” which means that her opinions are strong and pointed and unwavering. His admiration for her deep convictions indicate that he values her opinions about his career and life direction more than anyone else. She is leading him.
He is a strong and well respected man who gushes about having a wife who always tells him the truth and is his anchor. Yes, that is the essence of a Loving Female Led Relationship.
While many believe that the Gentleman in a Loving FLR will support the woman he loves in her vision for the relationship, her vision could be to support him toward the greatness that she sees in him. In President Macron’s case, I truly believe that he may not have achieved all that he has achieved in life without his wife expressing her vision for him and supporting him along the way. Some powerful women express their strength by grooming the man they love for his greatest potential.
This is, indeed, a Loving FLR.
Two people being honest and supporting to each other and aiding each others direction in life should be the base of any relationship and I do not see it being directly indicative of an FLR. It is, however, indicative of a loving relationship. Good for President Macron!
He never mentioned that he offers her the same TRUTHS and STRONG CONVICTIONS. He only mentioned that she does this for him. He never mentioned returning the favor. That is why I believe this is a Loving FLR.