He Shows Me His Love & Devotion Daily

We are kind of retired from the tech field. We developed some programs we have sold, some we maintain but no where near full-time. We hang out at home, fish, camp and enjoy the outdoors. We have some acreage with a couple of horses and a comfortable home just outside the city. We enjoy traveling and seeing new things. My hubby proposed the FLR lifestyle. I researched it, we discussed it and here we are. It seemed like a win win for me…so we went with it.
We both enjoy the opportunities it provides. It’s been most beneficial to me and made us stronger as a couple. At the same time I’ve experienced freedoms and liberties I would never have even considered before. I’m extremely happy to be in a Loving Female Led Relationship. I’m constantly spoiled and always try and return comfort to my hubby. We are more in tune with each other’s needs and wants. I needed to develop a much stronger persona…which I did and I love it. But it was difficult at first, a complete role change in our dynamic.
I constantly hear how attentive and caring my husband is and how others wish they had that. I think it’s all about communication and we’ve developed a whole new level. Thomas shows me his love and devotion daily as well as feelings he couldn’t or didn’t share so openly before. We went through a period of trial and error for some time. At times his attention level and attentiveness was just too much, borderline annoying. He worked a lot on when and how to touch me, paying closer attention to my moods and understanding my needs.
We now have a daily routine we follow most mornings and evenings, talking about what we’re doing each day, spelling out what we need to accomplish. Some days we have no goals and he is typically charged with presenting some activity scenarios. He usually plans our date nights. He has no problem including anything I suggest or altering his plan. Often date night is a movie at home and snuggling, just enjoying us. We no longer go through the “what do you want to do today…I don’t know, how about you scenario”. He usually knows exactly what I want or creates some new and interesting things to do that he thinks I might enjoy.
Thomas and I have developed patterns so he knows when I’m in my office I don’t need him to be there. Certain areas of the home we respect each other’s privacy and do our own thing. Each day we work to accomplish what we’ve discussed that morning, knowing we can share the rest of the day and evening as a couple. Some days he needs to get away and do some things he wants, and I try to allow that time for him. I have certain nights, times I go out alone or with my friends to shop, have a drink or whatever. He still has a monthly poker night with the boys and usually has some time to pursue his other hobbies.
My most rewarding experience came last year with my mother in law. I was not always her favorite person, but we’ve gotten closer over the years. Thomas has a rather large extended family. At last year’s family reunion my mother in law commented that it was obvious that her son and I had a deep and lasting love. She was always worried he would become introverted and anti social. With me he seems to have a confidence and passion that spreads to everyone. Thomas shows traits her husband never could and she seemed somewhat jealous. The way he looks at me, holds me, interacts with me shows we have a true partnership and are in tune with one another. In short she said that we were good for each other and whatever we were doing was working well.
His sister mentioned that he was so much more focused. She always thought he could have A.D.D. Now he is a great listener and conversationalist. Her brother and dad never gave hugs or showed much emotion, but he does now. She agreed that we make a great team/couple.
A Loving Female Led Relationship was something my husband wanted, and now we both do.
Sounds perfect. What freedoms and liberties, in general terms, do you now enjoy? We are early in our FLR.. I’m curious as to what I might expect. I’m at the point I don’t want you to say no ever again or not fully accept anything she wants or does.
Thank you