What a Powerful Woman Really Needs

Last week I heard from a man who wanted to know how he could be a better support to his wife. He shared with me some of her personal issues and asked for my advice on how best to support her. He asked – Since you’re a Powerful Woman, could you teach me how you need to be supported so that I could do the same for my wife?
To you I may be just one source of entertainment, but I am a real person. I am a real woman. I want to offer this personal story to give you some insight on what a Powerful Woman needs.
I am Te-Erika Patterson. I am a Powerful Woman. I have devoted my life to helping bring others through the trickiest circumstances in life. I not only coach the people who come to me through LovingFLR who want help building confidence and learning how to create better Loving FLRs, I also offer business coaching, support for women in abusive relationships, I teach workshops in my community, I help people who are going through a major transition in life and I consistently create digital content that soothes and relieves frantic minds.
A Powerful Woman is a giver. She is a problem solver. Many people seek her wisdom and guidance and she has extra to spare because solving problems comes easily for her. She is capable of being there for everyone who needs her because she understands her role in this world. But what does SHE NEED? Who cares about what She NEEDS?
What do I need? What does a Powerful Woman who consistently helps others shift their mentality to create better circumstances need?
I need some TLC. That’s TENDER LOVING CARE.
I need a hug. I need some relief. I need kindness. I need emotional and financial support. I need dinner cooked for me. I need someone who is capable of pouring back into me, the same care and concern that I give to others. Most often I feel that I will self destruct at any moment under the pressure of doing all of this alone.
Do you have a Powerful Woman in your life who is doing amazing things in this world? She may feel the same way that I do. What does she need? I don’t know her specifically but I can tell you what I need.
I need a reprieve. I need a hug. I need to know that I am appreciated. I need to feel safe. I need to take a break sometimes. But I can’t take a break because of so many projects and my need to sustain myself without the emotional or financial support of anyone else.
How can you support a Powerful Woman?
Stop thinking about YOUR needs, how you want to be in chastity control, how you want to worship a woman’s feet, receive tasks and be controlled by her. Ask her what she needs. Think about what SHE would need to make her life easier and then do those things!
What can you do to resolve a problem that she constantly faces? What can you do to make her life less hectic? Does she need coffee in the morning? Does her car need to be warmed up before she gets into it? Would having lunch delivered to her office help make her day go more smoothly? Would a glass of wine waiting for her in the evening make her smile? Does she need to orgasm to help her relieve the pressure from her day? Does she need a vacation? Does she need a shopping spree? What delights her? What have you done to make her smile in the past? Figure it out and then DO THOSE THINGS.
WHAT DOES SHE NEED? Figure out what she needs and then give it to her.
When you make the Powerful Woman’s comfort and relief a priority in your life, she will feel replenished and she can then turn to you and give you those things you want. When you ask her to fulfill your needs first, you are adding a burden to her life.
Stop that.
Make her life as easy as you possibly can. Care for her. Hug her. Remind her of how amazing she is. Give her a gift, just because. Be her safe place. Be her comfort zone. Listen to her. Love her. Place her on a pedestal. Take ACTION to show your support of her Power.
REVIVE her with your love.
If I had any of this type of treatment I could possibly give MORE to my work. Instead, I am bombarded with requests for free advice and support, email after email, from men, wanting help from me. Help me. Help me. Pay attention to me. Affirm me. Answer me. Encourage me. Be my advocate. Speak for me.
I am not your savior or your sounding board. I am not here to give and give and ensure that you are satisfied before I am. I am a real woman doing REAL things in this world and I need the same things a woman you love would appreciate; kindness, support, honor, appreciation.
I am no good to ANYONE if I can’t relax, feel safe and be replenished.
I am a Powerful Woman. These are my needs.
If you have a Powerful Woman in your life then give love to her like I described above and watch how she flourishes in her life and in her love for you!
ORDER How to Love a Powerful Woman NOW!
Thanks for this. Otherwise is Soo right. It’s what you want that is all that matters.. the moment I object or need to ‘get’ I’m no longer putting you first and I’m simply making up a ‘scene’ to fulfill a fantasy. If I truly desire to support, please and fulfill YOU.. I will not object or question anything, and that means what it says.. anything. At this point I’m there for only your needs, desires and success.. mine are only defined by your total and complete success, satisfaction and happiness, as you need.. anything less is manipulation and a game. At this point in my life i have come to the conclusion that this is the natural order and it has been backwards for too long.