What are the Requirements for a Loving Female Led Relationship?

Considering that a Loving Female Led Relationship is a relationship where the woman’s happiness is the priority in the relationship and the man willingly agrees to support her happiness, there are only two requirements for a Loving Female Led Relationship.
The first requirement is that the woman must openly express what she wants from the relationship. The second requirement is that the man must do everything that he can to honor her choices.
Anything beyond these two requirements are optional yet, I find that most men who label themselves as submissive, have many more demands.
After I created the 2019 Survey for Submissive Men and began to receive responses I was astounded by what I read. I was looking for only 100 responses yet by the time I checked again, the survey had much more than that which prompted me to close down the survey.
The consensus is clear. Men who label themselves as submissive are seeking a specific type of woman for a FLR. Most men who label themselves as submissive will only respect a woman who is dominating, forceful or aggressive with them sexually or in general interactions. Men who label themselves as submissive are aroused by the idea of being completely controlled by a woman. Their fantasies of being controlled, punished and restricted are what lead them to the FLR dynamic.
How do these findings impact the teachings I share on LovingFLR.Com? The understanding that men who label themselves as submissive have specific fantasies and requirements for women goes against everything that I teach here.
If the woman’s happiness is the priority and the man is supposed to follow her lead, how can the man have requirements or demands for his Loving FLR?
If a man has a requirement that a woman dominate, control, restrict, punish or degrade him, doesn’t that mean that he is the one leading the relationship? How can it be Female Led if he is setting the tone for how they interact? If a man requires that a woman dominate him in a relationship, isn’t he the one being dominant?

In my latest book, The Enlightened Submissive: Untwisting the Kink of Submission, I explore the topic of submissive demands within a FLR, the root of submissive cravings for domination and control as well as how these submissive cravings impact the quality of life for the majority of men who label themselves as submissive.
I do not write from the perspective of meeting ONE submissive man and sharing his story or being married to ONE man and using him as the example for all. The story I share mirrors hundreds of stories shared with me over the years through surveys and couples who join the Loving FLR Coaching Programs. What is the reason why so many submissive men remain single? It has nothing to do with the lack of quality women.
ORDER your copy of The Enlightened Submissive to find out why your submissive kinks and cravings are holding you back from love and what you can do about it.
If you want a real relationship that exists outside the realm of your kink-filled imagination, there are real tactics you can use to step out of your misery and into the loving arms of a real woman. I want you to be happy so I am going to tell you the hard truth about what you call a ‘natural’ desire to be ‘submissive.’
You will be pissed off while reading this book. You will be hurt. You will be frustrated. But you will also be challenged to make a change and equipped with the enlightenment you need to do so.
Follow my instructions and create a new plan and path for your life, if you want one.
‘Most men who label themselves as submissive will only respect a woman who is dominating, forceful or aggressive with them sexually or in general interactions. Men who label themselves as submissive are aroused by the idea of being completely controlled by a woman. Their fantasies of being controlled, punished and restricted are what lead them to the FLR dynamic.’
Well, for men like me certainly not into this whole sexual kink, fantasy thing, that’s a little concerning.
It’s worrying if ‘most’ is a figure North of, say
I imagined the prefix ‘loving’ might differentiate a FLR from a sexual domination type relationship. Seemingly not.
Perhaps an even ore specific term is required?
‘Non-kink FLR’ is rather clumsy.
Wow! I’m not sure leading with “non kink” FLR-seems loving is apt.
I so appreciate reading about this. I’m not sure exactly how I got into this kink submissive stuff but admit it’s had a hold of me. My last relationship ended terribly-i was hit, scratched, had phone thrown at me, mistrusted and demeaned horribly. I thought I was being thoughtful and obedient to her needs. I realize I must have fostered and provoked the abuse. Even through the bruises and cuts, it would be hard for me to stay away from her. Thanks for putting this all in a proper perspective for me. I’ve been divorced twice and never felt submissive until last ten years. I’ve been single now for 18 years. By the way, the lady I’m talking about got back together for a brief time. She apologized for the physical abuse and I apologized for putting her through the kinkiness. Funny, my phone spelled out kindness instead of “kinkiness”, wow, again! That’s really what I want-with love.
Tim G