Why Are Women Turned Off By Nice Guys?

When you’re a nice guy and you want to show women respect by waiting for sexual intimacy, getting to know them, allowing them into your life and becoming emotionally invested in them by honoring their choices, you may find that the majority of women do not appreciate those gestures. Why does it seem that being a nice guy is a turn off for women? Why do women use and abuse nice guys and run after jerks? Why are the nice guys left in the friend zone and the abusers and snakes get the hot girls?
Well, the answer is simple.
Women who reject men that respect and honor them are women who subconsciously want to be abused and dominated by men.
An abusive man tells a woman what to do and how to do it. He sets the rules for her. He doesn’t follow any rules she makes for him. He will make a promise and break it because he knows she won’t do anything about it. He knows she values him more than she values herself and he doesn’t respect that at all but he will keep sleeping with her because it’s foolish not to accept free sex. He uses her sexually, is aggressive with her sexually and has little regard for her concerns because he believes that they are not as important as his. He won’t take care of her needs but he will demand that his are taken care of. He believes he is smarter than she is and more valuable. He likes to put a woman in her place, which is beneath his feet.
On the surface, this type of behavior should make women wince but in most cases, it doesn’t. Women love the drama associated with these type of men because they have become used to it. They have grown to like the excitement of being mistreated and they like men to be aggressive with them. They like having sob stories and complaints to share with their friends because it gives them something juicy to talk about. A woman who rejects you because you show up on time, will buy her flowers and tell her you love her easily is a woman who secretly wants to be abused.
These women don’t want a man who is gentle with them; a Gentleman. They don’t want a man who says Yes, who always wants them to win, and who caters to their needs with pleasure. They don’t trust men like that. They are not accustomed to a man who is true and sincere. They want drama. They want to feel challenged. They are used to being with men who say NO and make them feel as though they have to earn their love by being dedicated, self sacrificing and willing to put up with bullshit.
A Powerful Woman isn’t interested in any of that. A Powerful Woman does not want a battle at home. She appreciates a man who makes her life easier since she has to fight so many battles as she pursues her goals in the world.
In essence, a woman who is not attracted to a nice guy is not a Powerful Woman, she is likely a submissive or masochistic woman who enjoys emotional pain and wants to be mistreated.
Why would you want a woman like that?
If you are a Nice Guy, look for a woman who is Powerful, a woman who is a leader. A Powerful Woman is a better choice for you. A Powerful Woman will love you and cherish you for being who you are.
Women who appreciate respect from men are Powerful Women. If you want to meet a Powerful Woman who will not reject you because you are nice, join the Loving FLR Matchmaking Service. You won’t have to change a thing about who you are because who you are right now, is exactly what a Powerful Woman is looking for.
Wow, this is so true. I’ve learned this the hard way. If you show respect to a woman it actually is a turn off to her. I don’t understand.
Wow, this is a powerful statement. I would like to clarify that we talk about guys who are nice not act nice, because this is manipulation. A gentleman who is on time and treats a woman with respect either it is a FLR case or not, is actually a responsible person. If he is respectful is not that he is weak and only a woman who values herself and takes herself seriously can deal with a responsible guy. Movies and all this culture about bad boys is such a toxic culture it will take generations and different catalysts to bring men and women closer again, because many men opt out from the drama-scene. They don’t know today how to behave and many women want to be independent and respected but drama and damsel in distress syndrome, the real man fantasy are so prevailing that have poisoned relationships do deeply that will take very long and a catalyst, like a war, a major crisis or something else to bring the genders in a new way, closer.
Personally I don’t even understand why people have to call themselves “nice guys”, as long as you are a decent human being you are already by definition nice.
I don’t want to sound patronizing but perhaps what these nice guys lack is just confidence and healthy self esteem.