Why Should the Female Be in Charge?

I do have a serious question for you. As you know, prior to the 50s, men were the heads of household in a patriarchal hierarchy, the boss if you will. In the 60s, everything was about equality; it was the new rule in households and 50-50 was considered fair and equitable in marriage. Don’t you think that still applies and if not, why should the female be in charge? That’s not a criticism ma’am, I’m just trying to understand. Thank you.
Kind regards,
Hi Joel,
This is a great question. It’s not about allowing the woman to lead because she’s a woman, it’s about allowing the most qualified person to have a bigger influence on the decisions that need to be made. It’s about allowing the person who wants to take the lead to do so regardless of gender. It’s also about a man who adores the woman he loves so much, that he wants her to be happy and has no problem honoring her choices.
This relationship dynamic is not for every one. There are men who have been exposed to the conditioning of society and would rather be single than to even entertain the idea of a woman’s choices being considered as equal to his. Then there are other men who actually admire the woman they are with. They respect her. They feel lucky to have her. They are amazed by the fact that she is smart and wise and capable of making excellent decisions. These men, being wise themselves, would never forfeit the opportunity to seek such a wise woman’s counsel because they see it as extra insurance that the result of their choices will benefit them both.
From my research, men aren’t entering a Loving FLR because they want to be feel inferior. Most of these men in Female Led Relationships enjoy them because it makes them feel like more of man when they can empower the woman they are with by being a support to her. These men feel that the more their wives shine, they more successful they are because they get to stand beside her.
I agree with the suggestion that the person who is more able to make the decisions should do it. However, in my view, nothing should be done against the woman’s interests or will. She might want to make the decisions or might want to delegate them to her partner but she should have the final say. In my opinion this is how she should LEAD the relationship. (Not even should, I don’t think we can expect anything from her.) 🙂