Every Man in a Loving FLR Feels This Way

The more I study couples in Loving FLRs the more I realize that there is one basic attribute for all of the relationships. Yes, the couple must trust each other. Yes, the couple must willingly agree to the Loving FLR. Yes, the couple must work together to decide how they can create the ideal lifestyle from the woman’s vision. But, there’s a baseline for achieving a Loving FLR that many do not recognize initially.
In every Loving FLR that I have encountered the man has an unwavering admiration for the woman he has partnered with. His admiration for her leads to a dedication to supporting her happiness and success without her having to manipulate or force him to do so.
He may admire her for a variety of reasons:
She is accomplished in her career.
Men find women who have achieved outstanding career goals to be worthy of admiration. If a woman has achieved goals that the man has yet to achieve he is fascinated by her ability and looks up to her.
She has strong convictions.
When a woman has strong and unwavering opinions about the life she wants to create for herself, the man will admire her because he knows that she will not settle for less than what she believes she deserves. She speaks up when she is happy or disappointed. She has a strong sense of right and wrong and what is acceptable for those she cares about. She tells him the truth according to her convictions without trying to appease his ego.
She has built a great life on her own.
When a woman understands the benefits of being single she is less likely to accept less than ideal behavior from men. When she encounters a man who does not offer her the best treatment, she will not attempt to convince him of her worth or compromise her desires, she will simply leave him alone. A man who recognizes this trait in a woman admires her because he knows that he is with her because he meets very high standards instead of being there because she doesn’t want to be alone.
She doesn’t need him.
When a man encounters a woman who does not need his help or support, he is astonished by her. He knows that he does not have to be her rescuer and that if he is to be with her he needs to add something to her life that she hasn’t thought to give to herself. He steps his game up to become an asset to her life because he admires her and wants to win her affection.
She knows how to make wise decisions that benefit all involved.
When a woman can walk into any situation and improve it, a man can’t help but admire her for this skill. Once she demonstrates this ability consistently, he learns to trust her judgment and trust that she also has his best interests in mind. He steps back and allows her to lead the way because he feels safe with her. He admires her ability to lead.
ADMIRATION for the woman is key in all Loving FLRs. When he admires the woman he loves, he releases his defenses and follows her lead without questioning.
I never thought of it this way but it makes total sense.
I would be self motivated by my desire to please her, to prove that I was the right choice.
Service to her is a sincere offering, a gift to show my love.
Real love requires no coercion. Rather it springs forth from inspiration and, yes, admiration.