How To Save Your Relationship

If you are a man who has found a good woman you care for yet things are not going the way you want them to and she is considering leaving you, you have come to the right place for your remedy.
Exactly what is the problem? Do you know? Can you identify it?
If you have not done something outrageous like cheat on her, steal from her or abuse her there may be a chance to turn things around. Are you ready?
Ask her what the issue is and whatever her complaint is- stop doing that shit.
This is not the time for you to try to convince her she is being unreasonable or that she’s acting like a baby or that you don’t have the time or energy to change just for her. If you want her to stay with you then you have to make her happiness the priority in your life.
Making a woman’s happiness the priority in your life doesn’t mean that your happiness doesn’t matter, it just means that her happiness matters more and there is nothing wrong with that.
Think about the feeling you have right now. You’re on the damn internet going to Google searching for a stranger’s opinion and advice on how to keep your relationship together. You don’t even know me and you’re reading every word I have typed with eager anticipation, hoping I can ease your pain. You’re basically already at rock bottom. It’s time to stand up, man up and realize that when your girl is happy, you’re happy and that is how it is supposed to be.
If you really want to feel her hold you again, if you really want to taste her sweet lips again, if you really want to feel her warm body pressed against yours again then you better listen up.
STOP competing with her.
STOP trying to prove your point all the damn time.
STOP trying to push her to become the woman you want her to be.
STOP trying to convince her that she doesn’t need what she asks you for.
STOP making excuses for not being man enough to keep her happy.
STOP lying about everything like she’s too stupid to realize.
STOP listening to your stupid ass friends and listen to HER instead.
ASK her what you can do to make her feel loved.
INVITE her into your life in ways that she was once not allowed to be.
CONVINCE her that you want her with actions instead of words.
SHOWER her with loving behavior, acceptance and support for her goals.
CREATE the dream relationship that she has always wanted.
STEP BACK and decide that when it comes to what you want or what she wants- she will always win.
PROFESS how you feel about her and accept and respect her reaction.
You may or may not be able to salvage this relationship but if you follow my instructions, are sincere and consistent, you will know you have given it your best shot and you can walk away proudly. Not every woman is going to be a part of your life forever. Some women come just as a short term treat.
All you can do is give it your very best shot, have good intentions, listen to her, make sure she’s smiling and give her good head when she wants it. If she doesn’t appreciate all of that then another woman will. Do your best and leave the rest up to fate. You’ll be okay no matter what.
I promise.
Excellent advice! Making the woman in your life should be your highest priority daily. Her happiness always comes before your own. To grow your FLR, these are the Rules Men need to follow.