The Difference Between a Strong Man and a Weak Man

You would be hard pressed to find a woman who says she wants a weak man. Most women, if they are strong and capable, want a man who is equally strong.
The type of strength a strong woman wants does not come from his physical abilities. A strong woman wants a man who is:
Capable of Motivating Himself
A strong man is capable of motivating himself, learning the things he needs to learn in order to better himself and learning new skills that will empower the woman he loves. Men are considered weak typically when they need someone else to motivate them to take care of themselves on a basic level. Sure, a man may need instruction or guidance at times but a man who needs instruction ALL of the time is not a man that a strong woman wants beside her.
Not Easily Influenced By Others
Strong men will carve out a place for themselves in this world and feel comfortable in it regardless of who agrees with it or who doesn’t. If he wants to grow a beard, he will. If he doesn’t want to wear skinny jeans, he won’t. He knows what is right for him because he has decided it for himself. A weak man jumps from fad to fad, social group to social group, following behind other men who appear to have it together because he needs someone else to define what ‘having it together’ means.
Uninterested in Competing With Women
A weak man has to be right and will go to great lengths to prove his superiority to women. Why? Because he needs their validation to feel valued. He has not learned to garner his value from within yet. A strong man wants the woman he loves to be happy. He has no desire to win at all costs when it comes to the love of his life. A Strong man does not need to win every argument or have his way in every situation. His satisfaction is in the fact that he can satisfy the woman he loves and she is confident and happy. He wants her to win because when she wins, her success is a reflection of him. He doesn’t need to compete with others because he knows he is already a winner.
Someone Others Want As a Leader
He knows smart people will want to connect with him so he has no desire to control the woman he loves or anyone else. A strong man does not need to dominate a situation. If he is a true man of strength people want to follow him and listen to his opinions. A weak man consistently sabotages the success of others so that he can come out on top. Others may fear him or defer to him but they do not respect him. He may control them when they have no other choice but to be controlled but when they gain a little leverage they will prove to be disloyal.
A weak man changes his mind as easily as the wind blows but a strong man can make a firm decision and stick with it. A woman can recognize a strong man when his promises and actions always line up. His promises are dependable because he trusts himself to make the best decision the first time and doesn’t feel the need to change his mind later.
Able to Stand Up For Himself
A weak man is passive and allows others to control his choices but a strong man knows what he wants and sets healthy boundaries for himself concerning important things that he will never allow others to violate.
A weak man feels that he has to lie and manipulate to get what he wants from a relationship. A strong man can open up about his desires, accept the honest response from his partner and keep working on moving the relationship forward.