DIVORCE COURT’s Judge Lynn Toler Describes Her Amazing Husband

Judge Lynn Toler was a guest on IHeartRadio’s The Breakfast Club recently where she discussed the new season of her show, her mental health issues and her amazing husband. When she described her husband it nearly brought me to tears. She may not formally acknowledge that she is involved in a Loving Female Led Relationship but when a Powerful Woman (a judge) has mental health issues and can always count on her amazing husband to help her sort through the emotions and turmoil so that she can go on to become even more amazing, she is involved in the type of relationship that I am advocating for.
This is the type of relationship that I envision when I teach the concept of Loving Female Led Relationships. A Loving FLR is NOT about controlling the man, focusing on his kinks, giving him tasks, reprimanding him for his behavior, playing with his chastity device for his arousal or being forceful to ensure he does what he is told to do. All of that is bullshit and caters to a man’s need for the focus of the relationship to be on him.
A Loving FLR is about a man choosing to put his wife first, over his job, over his friends, over himself. He chooses to be her healer, her savior, her sanity. He is the foundation that she stands on which enables her to be the beacon of light for others.
A Powerful Woman needs a man just as Powerful as she is. This Gentleman chooses to step back and be the force behind her light.
This is good, however everyone does not like the term, Female Led, conjures up control, so perhaps Judge would not identify herself as being in one, and perhaps that might be why it gets paired with sexual play, because some men and women do not want to identify as “led”, unless in bedroom with links. Wonder if the notion of it will be embraced more if concept taught yet given a new identity?
Yes! That’s my plan. I want to give FLR a new identity away from SEX, BDSM and especially KINK. The idea that the term FEMALE LED RELATIONSHIP is truly rooted in servicing men’s need to be controlled and have their kinks serviced is so disgusting to me! I WANT TO TAKE THIS TERM BACK!
Can you help?
Yes, agree. Seems people can judge or identify FLR with certain behavior and personality types or certain lifestyle actions . Rebranding the term FLR might help but I see each relationship where the man puts his wife or girlfriend first as unique and wonderful.
I do think the mindset should not be focused on what happens in the bedroom. It’s the every day support that I think makes an FLR.
I love seeing my wife and Goddess happy and doing what she wants every day.
I will think about a better term that both men and women will be more comfortable referencing in this lifestyle.