This Is The Life I Have Dreamt of For As Long As I Can Remember

I would like to start by thanking you for your tireless and hard work in support of your website and cause. My wife and I read your posts daily, and we very much enjoy using them as a discussion starter. We often read them together over breakfast, and they enable us to openly discuss what each of us enjoys and desires in our own dynamic as Goddess and knight.
I purchased your book for her almost half a year ago now, and she read it cover to cover without hardly putting it down. We discovered that she is a classic Goddess! She loves getting service, devotion, and pampering. She loves being adored and knowing that I focus all of my time and attention on her. She does not demand it, and she knows that I gladly provide it out of love and desire. She in no way has to nag, threaten or coerce me to have my attention and devotion.
My wife had an epiphany as a result of your website and your book. She told me that she has always desired love in the ways I give it to her, but, prior to this epiphany, she always thought she was being too selfish and demanding for having those desires. I started by giving her the attention and devotion before she even knew what I was up to. I firmly believe that the most effective way to lead your wife or girlfriend into a loving FLR is by quietly showing her the benefits. I was, and still am, always certain to open every door for her, assist her with her coat, carry any packages or bags for her (including her purse at times,) walk beside or just a step behind her, drop her off at the door, keep an umbrella over her in the rain, serve dinner to her and jump at the chance to refresh her drink. I try to anticipate her needs with the goal of her never even having to ask for what she desires. This is the life I have dreamed of for as long as I can remember.
My earliest memories of wanting to serve a woman were at age five, and I tell her often that she has made my five-year-old dreams come true! Even though I told her often that I loved serving, pampering, and adoring her she was still skeptical, and she still felt guilt over allowing me to do it. She very much enjoyed it, but she still felt that shouldn’t and couldn’t desire to be loved like that. It was your site and your book that showed her that she was not the only woman that desired love in that way, that I was not the only man that desired to give love in that way, and that she was not alone. Not only was she not alone, but there was an entire community out there that shared our desires. She no longer felt alone or different.
It was your post today that convinced me to write to you with a bit of our story and my thoughts about your subject. I have had these desires my entire life, and I count myself lucky that I feel comfortable sharing them with the woman I love and trust. I know that there are many men out there that truly love their wives yet feel that they cannot share their true feelings and desires. My wife too had to be led into her rightful place in our loving FLR. She thought that she wasn’t allowed to have love in the way she desired it.
It hit me that desiring a loving FLR might be equated to being homosexual two to three decades ago. Homosexuality has only become acceptable (if you can call it that) in the mainstream within the last decade. Prior to that there was not much info made publicly available about it, and a lot of homosexual individuals had feelings very much like my wife had. They felt that they could not and should not desire to be loved that way. They felt like they were the only one out there that had those desires, and that no one else could possibly understand. I think that much of human sexuality it that way really. Regardless of one’s desires it is a taboo subject.
I think one of the first ways to help people feel good about making their loving FLR public is to let them know that they are not alone, and that it is ok to desire to give or receive love in that way. You are doing a wonderful job of starting that off. Both myself and my wife are glad to let others see our loving FLR in action. It’s the, “actions speak louder than words” concept. I am quite proud to let others see me open every door for her, go to any length to meet her smallest need, and carry her purse and packages while she shops. That does not stem from any desire on my part to be publicly humiliated. That is not a desire I have, and my wife would hate it! It stems from the fact that I do love and adore her tremendously, and I am proud for others to see that. I do not change my actions in public or around family; I just simply refer to her as ma’am instead of Goddess.
I do think that community support groups could also help. I have longed to find an online forum for my wife to utilize to chat with other women who are in, or desire, a loving FLR. We all know that 90 plus percent of what is out there is femdom related or guys posing as women who are just trying to get off. My hope would be for a forum for women only where they could support each other, talk about day to day life, talk about their own desires and wishes, talk about what works in their loving FLRs and what doesn’t interest them. My wife has no interest in femdom, hurting me or humiliating me, and that works very well for us. Ours is a Goddess and knight relationship that centers on my complete loving devotion to her and attention to her needs and wishes. I have told her many times that one of my biggest goals is to never tell her no. I know that you are promoting loving FLR through your meeting/dating site, and that is a tremendous resource for singles who desire a loving FLR. Have you considered a sister site that would serve as a support community for those who are in or desire a loving FLR?
Thank you again for your tireless work and dedication. We are very much looking forward to your next book!
I have created the Loving FLR Community for anyone who wants to discuss Loving Female Led Relationships with others who support this lifestyle. I have created it and I do maintain it, but, it is up to YOU, the community to make use of it.
Aside from this private community I do have a private Facebook group for women who have completed the Loving FLR Leadership Coaching Program so that they can keep in touch and share any stories they may have and have daily discussions with each other. Once again, I have taken the first step to create these private forums to offer support, all you have to do is make use of it.
I am glad that you enjoyed the FLR Guidebook for Women- She Wants and I know you will LOVE How to Love a Powerful Woman which speaks to men about how to be a Gentleman and offer empowerment to an empowered woman!
Thanks for reading and for sharing your story with me! It was just the encouragement I needed today!
I too was about ready to send a note to Te-Erika (which I will do later) about her post regarding “Are you ashamed of FLR.”
I truly felt compassion for her because pushing against societies norm’s is an incredible struggle for everyone. This post suggesting Loving FLR is still in “the closet stage” is very accurate in my mind. It will be small incremental steps that will get this wonderful type of relationship out into the open. Thank goodness there is someone like Te-Erika willing to take the lead and make such a sacrifice. It is up to all of us to help her in any way we can.