25 Ways to Please Me

I asked Liz, the latest member of our FLR Matchmaking Service to make a list of 25 ways she would like to be pleased by a Gentleman who wants a Loving Female Led Relationship and this is what she wrote. Do you think you can please Liz?
Please Me
- Support me in my career
- Be chivalrous: open doors, pull out chairs, walk on the part of the sidewalk that’s closest to traffic, etc.
- Take me to see a show or concert
- Run lines with me when I indulge my artistic side and take an acting class
- Cook healthy meals for me
- Wash the dishes if I cook
- Give me a neck rub
- Kiss me
- Tell me you love me
- Tell your friends wonderful things about me
- Be there for me when I am vulnerable or insecure
- Confide in me
- Take my car to be serviced
- Send me flowers at my office on my birthday
- Be patient with my elderly parents
- Help me care for my pets
- Protect me from harm
- Tell me when you think I am making a bad choice, and provide an alternative
- Cuddle with me
- Respect my choices/decisions
- Smile at me
- Take care of me if I get sick
- Work out with me
- Meet me at the train station when I come home from work
- Take care of things around the house, such as changing smoke detector battery, oiling a squeaky door, etc.
Do you think you can offer Liz the treatment she feels she deserves? Liz is an attorney who lives in New York and is seeking a Loving FLR with a Gentleman who is professional, kind and eager to experience true love.
You can meet Liz and prove that you are the man who is ready to please her when you join the FLR Dating Roster for our FLR Matchmaking Service. When you join the FLR Dating Roster, you will be added to our list of single Gentleman who are waiting for a Loving FLR with a Powerful woman.
Liz is certain her Gentleman is out there. If you believe you can be the one, join the FLR Dating Roster to meet her. Select FLR Dating Roster at checkout at FLRMatchmakingService.Com to join the list.