Creating A Loving FLR Is Not As Difficult As You Think
Creating a Loving FLR is much more simple than we tend to make it out to be. There doesn’t need to be a formal ceremony, contract or exchange of power. No one has to do anything special. In order to create a Loving Female Led Relationship all the man has to do is decide that the priority in the relationship is the happiness and satisfaction of his partner. After he makes that decision willingly, he should explore ways to create more happy and satisfying moments for her on a consistent basis. Her job is to celebrate his efforts and to offer direction for how they can create their best life together.
That’s really all there is to it, but somehow we complicate things. How?
Men Complicate Loving Female Led Relationships
Men complicate Loving Female Led Relationships in a variety of ways. A man can have a Loving FLR with any woman, so if he is single this means that he has yet to meet a woman who he wants to create happy moments for. Why would he prolong his goal of creating a Loving FLR when he claims he so desperately wants one?
Most men who claim to want a Loving FLR actually want a Femdom relationship that focuses more on their need to be controlled. A Loving FLR has very little to do with a woman who controls a man and more to do with a man who desires to give the woman he loves- the world.
Men who are more focused on finding a woman who will be demanding and harsh when relating to them will not be satisfied with simply ensuring that the woman they care for is smiling, they want attention, correction and even worse- they want to feel inferior. These men are submissives who crave constant attention and correction. We never date men who describe themselves as submissive because it is a sign that they are looking for a woman to serve their kinks. True Gentlemen who want to establish Loving FLRs place the focus on her happiness instead of the satisfaction he gains from being in a highly demanding relationship.
Men complicate the development of Loving FLRs by wanting a woman to become their fantasy instead of the other way around. In a Loving FLR, the man strives to become the woman’s fantasy. Gentlemen in Loving FLRs do not complain that their wives are not doing it right.
Most PEOPLE are not mentally equipped for leadership which is why there are so many women who balk at the role and so many men who are ready to relinquish the role of leader automatically forced upon them by society. Most men don’t want to be leaders and they want to cast the burden to the woman.
SOLUTION: Let her be who she is. Show her support for the decisions that she does want to make and all of the others, you make the decision. A Loving Female Led Relationship is about creating the vision for the relationship that she wants and if she wants you to make important decisions with her then that is what you should do. She is not supposed to be your fantasy, you should be hers.
Women Complicate Loving FLRs
Women complicate developing Loving FLRs mostly because they don’t really care to be involved in them. They don’t understand the benefits of Loving FLRs because men do not present them. Instead men begin the conversation about Loving FLRs with talk of kink and fetishes and sexual control.
Women see Female Led Relationships as a burden and men help to reinforce this assumption by demanding that she make more decisions and control more. His demands make her want to run away.
Most women who are being introduced to the concept of Loving FLRs don’t know how to ask for what they want because they don’t know what they want. Women are taught to be nurturers. Nurturing women are used to giving others what they want and have never taken the time to assess what would make them happy. They can’t offer instructions for making them happy if they have never had the luxury of focusing on their happiness.
Most women don’t sit around and fantasize about how they want a relationship that caters to them all of the time. Most women like to give love, pampering and sweetness just as much as they like to receive it. Most women don’t fantasize about being a leader of the household or having a man who says YES to everything they ask for. Most women want a partner in life, not a subordinate. Most women will never respect a man who requests to be hit or punished for bad behavior.
Most women want someone equally as amazing as they are and they want them to spend their lives together celebrating each other. Sadly, men who desire Loving FLRs don’t make it clear that they want the same thing.
SOLUTION: Women who have been introduced to Loving FLRs and have an inkling of interest should pursue the interest. A Loving Female Led Relationship is indeed, the most amazing gift a man could offer. Instead of thinking of it as a burden, consider the fantasy that you have always held in your mind of the kind of relationship you really want, express that fantasy aloud to your partner and hold him accountable for delivering it.
If you are having trouble accessing what your fantasy life could look like and you need to talk it out with someone who understands the magnitude of what is being offered to you, the Women’s Loving FLR Leadership Coaching Program will get you on the right track.
A Loving Female Led Relationship does not have to be as difficult to develop as we make it out to be. If you are a man who desires a Loving FLR, decide to become a woman’s fantasy instead of pressuring her to become yours. If you are a woman intrigued by the concept of a Loving FLR, give the man a chance to show you how wonderful it is by telling him what he can do to make you smile.
That’s really all there is to it.