When Should a Woman Compromise In a Relationship?
We are advocates for Loving Female Led Relationships (Loving FLRs) and this means that we believe that women are perfectly capable of being the head of the household and the leader of the relationship. With this in mind, the men we choose to partner with also willingly support the leadership of women. In most cases, a man in a Loving FLR would never ask the woman he loves to compromise her wishes because in agreeing to be in the relationship, he has agreed to always honor her choices.
Would there ever be a time when the woman in a Loving FLR, as the leader, will compromise what she wants?
Smart women understand that having a partner who places their needs first is quite satisfying. In this regard, a woman in a Loving FLR has her needs fulfilled quite regularly so she does not feel the need to assert her dominance or control in every situation and with every choice. She is so happy and fulfilled by her partner’s support and love that she is able to see past her own ego and selfishness so that she can make the best decisions for her relationship and family.
When might a woman in a Loving FLR compromise?
If a woman in a Loving FLR smokes cigarettes and her partner develops a breathing problem she will compromise her need to smoke and quit smoking to ensure his health.
If a woman in a Loving FLR drives an expensive car and her partner’s car is less expensive and in need of repairs, she may decide to sell her expensive car so that her partner can have a reliable vehicle to drive.
If a woman in a Loving FLR wants sex and her partner is exhausted from work, she may be annoyed but she won’t badger him. She will respect that he is tired and give him some time to rest.
If a woman in a Loving FLR makes a request of her partner and he indicates that it would violate his core values and make him feel badly about himself, she may be surprised because she would think that she knew him well enough not to intentionally overstep his boundaries, but she would definitely compromise and make a different request of him that makes him feel eager to fulfill.
If a woman in a Loving FLR is being completely cared for and worshiped by her partner and he has requested (just once without ever pressuring her) that he has a kink he would like to be fulfilled, she may not have any interest in his dumb ass kink, but because she appreciates his support and service so much, she will probably compromise and give it to him every once in a while just to make him smile.
A woman in a Loving FLR is not a tyrant. This relationship is not about her having her needs met and nothing else. A Loving FLR allows the woman to feel supported, loved and cherished, which will, in turn, allow her to make deliberate decisions that everyone involved will benefit from.