How Do I Know That I Am a Leader?

Are you wondering if you are truly capable of being a leader? Well, how would you know?
I know that I am truly a leader. Why? There is one trait that I possess that assures me that I am definitely a leader. I am capable of leading myself and others without second guessing my decisions. I feel that I know the right thing to do for myself and for others and I do it.
I know where I am going. I have a clear vision for where I want to take myself and those who are going along with me for the ride. I have no one to bounce ideas off of, or to talk through my vision with yet I still pursue them because I know that the achievement of my vision is the right thing to do even if no one assures me that I am on the right path. I don’t need assurance from anyone but myself.
I do understand that I piss a lot of people off with my personality, my decisions and my outlook on what I believe this society needs and I’m okay with that. I ask for what I want, even if people think it’s tacky. I create my dreams even when people think I am crazy for trying. I attack my goals with vigor even when I am the only one who believes in me. If I worry more about who will like me than I worry about where I am trying to lead people then that would make me a follower, get it?
I am not a follower.
There’s nothing wrong with being a follower if you trust the person who is leading you. When you trust the person who is leading you then you will do whatever you can to support their vision because you know that it will benefit you as well.
I stand my ground when it comes to my standard of never mentioning sex, kink or BDS.M as an integral component of Loving Female Led Relationships. Every other FLR teacher caters to your kinks so I don’t have to do it as well.
I am not a public advocate for BD.SM, Domin.ance or subm.ission or gender role reversal. If you are looking for a sub culture of people to share kinks with, this is not it.
I am doing the work to introduce Loving Female Led Relationships into the mainstream and just because the definition you have been introduced to defines FLRs that cater to the man’s need to be controlled, doesn’t mean that I will promote that. Through Loving FLR I have redefined FLRs completely. I teach women that if a man begs to be controlled, punished or sexually restricted in order to offer love properly then he is not a suitable partner.
You mad? I don’t care.
I know what’s right.
There will never truly be a Loving Female Led Relationship if the woman is catering to the man’s needs in exchange for his love and support.
And the Female Led Society that I am about to introduce will have nothing to do with men worshiping the concept of a superior woman. I will not instruct women to treat men in any way that I would not like to be treated. The Female Led Society that I am structuring will be a fair and collaborative society that allows both all genders to showcase their strengths without hindrance.
Please go away if you are a man who wants to bow down and a woman’s feet and have her you and p.unish you. Please leave me alone forever.
If you are a man who truly believes in the beauty and magic of a woman’s leadership, please stay tuned and become a true follower of my work. I am doing the work to initiate this shift and I am planning it out step by step and taking immediate action with each idea that I have.
How do I know that I am a leader?
I have a vision for how I want this society to be and it does not just benefit ME, it benefits everyone. I am doing the work to set it up and not just complaining about what I wish someone else would do to fix the problems that I see.
How do I know that I am a leader?
I am willing to lose some spectators in order to gain the loyalty of true followers who will actively support and enjoy the vision that I have created.
How do I know that I am a leader?
I am not actively seeking followers. I don’t go around posting on other people’s platforms, asking for people to offer opinions of my work or trying to see who I can get to support my mission. My mission is my mission and I have not once asked anyone to approve it or validate it even though I receive messages from others who feel that it is necessary to try to correct me or invalidate my work. I am not paying enough attention to anyone else’s efforts to try to change their path. It is not my duty to evangelize. I do the work and those who are supposed to stand with me, will find me and stand firmly along with me. I trust that.
How do I know that I am a leader?
I am honest with you, always, about my flaws, shortcomings, fears and hopes. Always. Because you need to know who I really am so that you can decide if I am worth your active support.
How do I know that I am a leader?
Because I put my real name on this shit. This isn’t a pen name. I am not hiding behind a B.DSM title. This is my government name that my Mama gave me. This is the name I sign on my checks. I am not afraid to show my face and be who I am and represent this movement publicly. I am not afraid to be judged for what I believe in because I don’t believe there is anything to be ashamed of. I chose this life and mission intentionally and I am proud of my choice, even on the days when I feel fed up with the effort.
How do I know that I am a leader?
I am a leader because I make decisions without asking for input from anyone. I trust myself completely. I know what needs to be done and I do it or I delegate it so that my vision will come to pass. I trust my vision and I hope those who have decided to follow me will do the same.
How do I know that I am a leader?
I ask for help when I need it. I could pretend that I am all powerful and things are going smoothly and my life is just perfect but it’s not true, not all of the time. When I need your help I ask for it so that I can continue to grow this movement. I don’t need any of you to like me. I need you to trust that I won’t take advantage of you or lead you into a situation that will harm you.
How do I know that I am a leader?
I am a leader because I choose to be. It is no easy task having an audience with some members who become angry when you won’t cater to their wishes, who disrespects you constantly out of their own fearful emotions and who criticize your efforts even though they will never try to match your efforts in an way. I still have a vision and I know it’s amazing. I am going in this direction and I will not stop. If you want to go with me, let’s go. Men, Show your support.
Ladies. Do you want to have complete confidence in yourself?
Ladies, this is what it feels like to be a true leader. It is not easy but it is truly fulfilling to trust yourself completely. You can operate in the same way if you decide that you want to. If you need help releasing the confidence to be the leader you know you are, join the Women’s Leadership Program and step out of the shadows today.