Loving FLR Poem- Leave It All Up To Me

One of the graduates of the Loving FLR Leadership Coaching Program spotted this poem written by award-winning poet Major Jackson in a New York subway and she believes it is indicative of a Loving FLR.
Leave It All Up To Me
All we want is to succumb to a single kiss
that will contain us like a marathon
with no finish line, and if so, that we land
like newspapers before sunrise, halcyon
mornings arrived like blue martinis. I am
learning the steps to a foreign song: her mind
was torpedo, and her body was storm,
a kind of Wow. All we want is a metropolis
of Sundays, an empire of hand-holding
and park benches? She says, “Leave it all up to me.”
~ Major Jackson
Do you think this poem depicts a Loving FLR? Leave a comment!
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It’s beautiful and I think it perfectly captures the power of a Female Led Relationship.