Why Do I Need My Wife to Discipline Me?

Dear Te-Erika,
Thank you Ma’am for allowing me to ask my question. I am just always curious about why if this is who I am and what I want why do I need to have my wife discipline me? The truth is when left unchecked I always fall back into more undisciplined habits. I need her guidance and without it I disappoint. Thank you again for allowing me to share.
Dear Bob,
You are a man who is aware that you need someone to guide you, instruct you and discipline you in order for you to progress. That is a very mature understanding of yourself and for that, I applaud you.
You are not so different from most people, Bob. We have police officers, social rules for behavior, laws and strict repercussions for breaking these rules because without rules most people will run amok and create situations that will not benefit them. Most people need discipline. Most people need guidance. Most people need someone to look to so that they can be assured that they are doing the right thing. This is why leadership is so very important. This is also why real leaders are so very rare. If the majority of people are looking to others for approval, guidance and discipline because they cannot offer those things to themselves, the woman who steps into this leadership role is a treasure indeed.
I hope you don’t feel badly about yourself. There is nothing wrong with you. You should consider yourself to be a lucky man that you have a woman in your life who is willing to hold you accountable for doing the things you need to do to support her and to sustain yourself.
I want you to more than just support the woman who has offered her love and guidance to you. I want you to learn from her. I want you to understand her leadership style so that in the rare occasion a stressful situation arises and there are no true leaders around, you can imitate her and step in to resolve it in tribute to her and your appreciation for her leadership.
You’re doing just fine. You’re doing better than most, actually because you are self-aware and lovingly connected to a Powerful Woman. Do something out of the ordinary to show love to her today!
I totally understand where Bob is coming from and have felt the same exact way in relationships.
Your response to him makes complete sense and helps me understand myself even more!
Thank you Te-Erika!
What an honor to have you respond publicly to my question! Thank you very much. Your response will help me deal with my frustration better. I promise that I will learn from her and do something out of the ordinary today. Thank you again!