10 Men Share Reasons They Lost Respect For The Woman They Loved

I asked 10 men from our Loving FLR Community if a woman in their past has ever done anything to make them lose respect for her. Here are their responses.
For me, it was discovering, that she had lost respect for herself. She had developed a small drinking problem when we started going out. After the first year, her problem only grew worse, with her occasional use of Ecstasy and cocaine. I did them as well, but only with her and less frequently. Then during our second summer together, a number of things came to light. Through a series of incidents that started with a few of our so called friends. What became clear was after even one drink she could easily be manipulated into using drugs and alcohol to the point she could hardly make decisions for herself or even black out.
I dated a woman years ago and I lost respect for her because of a lack of integrity. She did not keep her word when she would plan things with me.
The only Woman, or Women, I have “sort of” lost respect for, were Women who refused to realize their Superiority and are better suited to lead and be the boss. I always wanted to obey my wife because she is smarter and understands things better. But she refuses to take that role, and insists on being more “submissive” because that’s the way she was raised, even though she will admit that her “submissive” mom always got her way. I only lose respect for Women who don’t take their God-given ability to dominate and use it.
My ex and I were caught in a financial dispute with a third party. Her thoughts on our responsibilities in the matter were wrong and she would not listen to reason. She gave me the “if you loved me, you would support me” line and I felt trapped. I argued with the third party knowing all the while I was wrong. We almost came to blows. At that point, I realized that it was better to settle the matter by paying what I knew was owed and putting the whole thing behind us.
What ultimately made me lose respect was the fact that for the longest time, she would not let go of this perceived betrayal, even though others tried to convince her of the reality of the situation. She regularly brought this up as a situation where she felt I supported the person with whom we had the dispute and constantly questioned my manhood. Every time she brought it up my respect for her was eroded. She would not recognize the fact that I did support her even though I knew she was wrong, right up until the prospect of physical violence became apparent. I was bigger and stronger than the other person and could easily have won the fight, but I would not consider that.
My first wife was a very dependent person who did not ever know what she wanted. Communication was difficult because you never knew what she was going to say or want next. She ended up having an affair because “she didn’t love me like a wife should love her husband!”
I have been married to the same woman for over 30 years, but there has never been that intimacy and warmth between us even if I’ve tried to reveal my inner thoughts. And she never takes responsibility! So here I am at 62 searching a new and better way to live for the rest of my life.
I love women, no matter what they say or do. However, when they are aggressive, they try to yell or blame me without a legitimate reason, I cannot do anything but escape.
I have little respect for those who put forth negative energy and work to cause harm or loss to others. In these situations I will disassociate myself from that party indefinitely and without remorse for any present and future relationships with that party.
She needed me. I knew it and she knew. No matter what I did she would never leave because she couldn’t take care of herself without me.
She loved me more than she loved herself and it showed.
Her friends would influence her and talk badly about me and she would listen to them instead of defending me or ignore them. They were leading our relationship.
I have lost respect being hurt by them , used, my money stolen, and many other worse aspects. But I’m no innocent and have appologized for my misdeeds. I’ve given and been given second, third and fourth chances.. I’ve never quit a relationship with a woman, ever. They leave me for reasons I don’t understand, and I wish I knew how to be better. One therapy with my ex only had the therapist on my side, did not help matters. I wish I was able to give someone there dominance, and feeling of safety, but I suppose that is exactly why they feel they must leave.
New to this community, not new to the idea, I am inspired. So far what I’ve read makes sense. And I appreciate that the leader goes out and inquires of the male species.