The Main Problem With Female Led Relationships

As we move further into a society that wants to be more open minded by allowing people to define who they are, I want to help represent couples who enjoy Loving Female Led Relationships yet the issues that plague this romantic love style persist and destroys any chances of it flourishing.
The problem with Female Led Relationships, which I tried to remedy by creating a deviation called LOVING Female Led Relationships, is the fact that the typical Female Led Relationship is actually a male centered fantasy.
When a man says he wants a Female Led Relationship, he is saying he wants the focus to be centered around his need to be controlled.
You can tell that this is his main desire because he tries to push his partner to perform rituals or change her behaviors to suit him instead of accepting her as she is and empowering her to be MORE of herself.
As detailed in the book, The Enlightened Submissive: Untwisting the Kink of Submission, instead of actually appreciating the way she loves him, he becomes dissatisfied by her lack of interest in enacting his fantasies which diminishes her worth in his eyes. Unless she can act out his entire fantasy of domination and control and focusing on his needs, she is not worthy of love or respect and she is not a STRONG woman.
These men believe a strong woman is a woman who controls them and treats them aggressively like a man would, except she’s not a man. He doesn’t want a female led relationship because he doesn’t allow her to lead by sharing what SHE wants and respecting it.
Most men believe leadership constitutes aggression, control and punishment. Most men who are looking for a FLR are looking for these traits assigned to a woman. They’re not looking for love. They are looking for abuse.
If you believe a woman is not strong if she does not restrict you, punish you or control you, this Loving FLR Community is NOT for you.
At Loving FLR we believe women should have their opinions and desires respected and at no point will she ever PERFORM to meet the standards of a man who craves abuse.
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