I Promised to Correct the Things That Upset My Wife

I adore my wife and I would do anything for her. Our marriage of 5 years has been wonderful. The notion of a Female-Led Relationship began shortly after one of our very rare fights. And it wasn’t really a fight, but a communication break-down. The next day I thought about what happened, and so I decided to write things down. I listed what I love about my wife and what I currently do to please and support her. I was impressed with myself by my long list. But then I began to think back on what upset her the previous day and the other things I have done in the past that she has been unhappy with. This list was equally long, and I was greatly saddened by it.
That night we sat on the edge of the bed and I explained to her that she was the most important person to me and then I told her all about my lists. I told her that I promised that I was going correct the things that upset her, and as her husband it is my responsibility to protect, trust, honor and please her. She cried and hugged me. From there I began to search for information to help me in my quest, which led me to the book SHE WANTS, and then to the website FLRStyle.com. In reading all of it, it all began to make sense to me.
At first, I wanted to show her right away, but I was afraid she would question my motives and about everything else the course How To Introduce a Woman to a Loving FLR (Without Scaring HER) warned me about. The course is very helpful in making it clear of what I should and should not do. For me and my wife, I am going to start with a more subtle approach to FLR introduction. I am going to continue working on my “list”, but also upgrading my promotion of her. I also intend on upping my game to please her and honor her wishes, working towards the goal that when I do formally introduce FLR, the idea is a natural progression.
I intend on enrolling in the courses Becoming an Anchor in a Female Led Relationship and How to Love a Powerful Woman: The Gentleman’s Guide to Loving Female Led Relationships for additional guidance. And likely before I do make the formal introduction to my wife, I will engage in some private counseling to assist with my approach.
Without describing my wife in detail, it is sufficient to say that once she understands, she will appreciate this lifestyle and grow. I am lucky to be by her side, and I am excited about the potential for her and me. Thank you.