What Does a Loving FLR Look Like in Public?

A couple involved in a Loving FLR aren’t easily recognized in public. They look just like other couples who are laughing, joking and having a good time. When you watch them closely you will conclude that they are the couple you wish you could be. His eyes never wander from her face. No other woman can pull his attention from her. His mission is to make sure that she is always smiling. His duty is to offer her a pleasant outing and she aims to be the prize by his side.
A couple in a Loving FLR need not formally recognize their relationship publicly. They don’t need to explain themselves to others or offer details about their arrangement. She will never have to defend her partner against personal attacks because no one has to know what goes on in the intimate settings of their relationship. She never has to even mention the term Female Led Relationship unless she is with a trusted friend who is curious about how she came to enjoy such an amazing relationship.
A certain clue that a couple is involved in a Loving FLR is the fact that the woman exudes an air of confidence that most women cannot experience. His ability to willingly focus on her happiness uplifts her spirit. He treats her as though she is a celebrity and she walks with her head held high as though she deserves that treatment. In her presence, women wonder what she does to make her husband behave in such an adoring manner. His behavior is not over the top like a butler or lovesick admirer, he simply takes great care to ensure that she is cared for and her wishes are met.
He plans their outings carefully to ensure that she has the best experience possible. He anticipates any needs beforehand and attempts to fulfill them. He handles issues with customer service discreetly so that she does not have to. He feels honored to be with her publicly and everyone who sees them knows it. He enjoys asking for her opinion in public and being a true Gentleman to her by opening doors for her, allowing her to walk a step ahead of him, proudly holding her hand and ensuring that she has the best experience possible. All women who witness their loving exchanges will become inspired by her and want the same in their relationships.
He treats her as though she is the most important person in the world and he enjoys the positive feedback he gets from her friends, family and even strangers who all compliment him on the way he lovingly cares for her. There is no room for degradation, dismissal of his feelings and other interactions that will cause people to lose respect for the Gentleman. The Goddess in a Loving FLR greatly respects her partner and would never allow her treatment of him to give others a reason to disrespect him or make fun of him. She honors him for honoring her.
A Loving FLR in public is simply a truly caring and passionate relationship where the Gentleman strives to be her hero in all ways. No labels need to be applied. No excuses need to be made. If anyone contests the beauty of a man completely devoted to the happiness of his wife, they are jealous. All men secretly wish they could abandon their egos and sit at the feet of the woman they love in complete service. A Gentleman in a Loving FLR is living out the dream of millions of men and the woman in a Loving FLR is living out a fantasy that cannot be recreated easily.
I agree that in most public the fact that my Goddess wife and I are in an FLR mostly goes unnoticed, I think. However, if people watch they will see many of the things described in this blog.
Some examples include: 1). I always anticipate when she wants to leave and warm the car and her seat up before we pull out of the drive 2). I open the car door for her, 3). I carry the bags for her or push the cart for her if she brings me shopping with her.
Occasionally, she will correct me in public if I take a misstep at something. Depending on what it is, that might make the nature of our relationship more apparent.
What the article describes is more or less the way European men treat their wives in public. (How they behave at home is another issue.) I do not like the word Goddess. Women do not need be goddesses, it’s enough that they are women. The deserve a special treatment simply because of this.