The Worst Dating Site to Find a Female Led Relationship

Craigslist is the absolute worst dating site to try to find a Female Led Relationship. Why? Because the men there don’t even bother reading the ad when you post it. They are in it for numbers. They figure if they reply to as many ads as they can they may get a bite. They also troll Craigslist for random sex but they complain that only prostitutes post there. If they want random sex with a stranger, why not go to a professional? The average woman does not want sex with a stranger. Those men are weird over there.
So let’s cross off Craigslist from our list of dating sites, shall we?
Where do we go from here? How can a rational woman who desires a Loving FLR actually meet a man who is willing to be in one? There are 2 ways she can go about this.
Make a Friend
She can focus on making a friend first and then talk to him openly about her desire for a Loving FLR. A woman who transitions a relationship from a friendship into a Loving FLR will experience much happiness. In fact, a man who is her friend and also loves her may be the best candidate for a Loving FLR because he is not afraid of her abusing him. A stranger will reject the idea of a Loving FLR when it is explained to him because on the surface it seems like it will result in abuse. A man who is her friend will understand her motives and trust her more than a stranger would.
Lead Silently
A woman who wants a Loving FLR has to only do one thing to get one: allow only what she wants in a relationship. She never has to formally ask for a Loving FLR. She doesn’t have to convince a man to give her a Loving FLR. She only has to set her standards and enforce them. If a man does not willingly comply with the standards she sets she corrects him and if his behavior persists, she distances herself from him. Just like wanting a good pair of jeans, a woman keeps an eye out for a perfect fit but she doesn’t force it.
In the meantime she should be busy creating the life she wants without him. If she is waiting for his arrival to signal the start of her good life then she is wasting her time. A Goddess waits for no man. She should be busy creating authority in her own life, positioning herself so that she can use her gifts to impact the world in whatever way she chooses.
The women I have encountered who have Loving FLRs (ones that were not requested by the man) say their relationships evolved naturally out of his trust and love for her. The more he trusted her, the more he sat back and allowed her to take the lead. Take the effort that you are putting in to placing ads and searching the web for a mate and do the next great thing with your life that does not involve a purchase. Create something. Lead a group. Advocate for a cause. Break a barrier. Set a record. Make the news. Invent something.
When you exhibit leadership over your own life you will attract admirers who won’t mind you influencing their lives.
It is not as difficult as you may think. Express what you want. Dismiss men who disrespect your desires. Be kind. Be loving. Be weird. Be yourself. Own your own life. Rinse. Repeat.
If you want to be matched with someone who has been groomed for a Loving FLR, apply for the Loving FLR Matchmaking Service today.
With myself wanting such a relationship, I find myself looking through those dating sites. But never with any luck. And I never ever seen a believable ad on Craigslist. If any one has any suggestions, I’m all for some quality suggestions.
Interesting read. I recently posted “4 traits of men perfect for a flr ”
I posted it in a few cities across the country and some cities more than once. Most of the time I posted it in m4w but a few times I did post it in w4m.
By the overwhelming response I received, I feel that there are so many men craving this type of relationship and many that identified with the traits. The response from women was almost non existent.
Maybe I will find a way to share some of the responses. Many were longer than a paragraph and very deep.
Ooo yes, please do. I would read those. Can you create a blog and post there?
Have you looked at Craigslist lately? People looking for people seems to have gone from there. Time for a new story Te-Erica. Times are a changing.
What is the old saying/curse? May you live in interesting times?
Oops, sorry. Did not proofread.
Did not see a way to correct.
Have you thought about submitting a story to other magazines?
Is your story posted here somewhere?
Dang it. That was suppose to post under Angel’s name.
Angel: Interesting that more men replied than women. Is society changing in some way? Men in particular? Hope you share some responses and your own insight.
Terry, do you mind sharing what kind of verbiage would indicate to you a woman interested in a FLR? I’m at a lost on how to tastefully weave this into a profile.
Angel, I’d also like to direct the above question to your attention. And would you please share the responses you received from your postings.
Thanks gentlemen.
Peace be the journey.
I can only hope and believe you will have much better results than is the case when males try to include LFA or FLR on our (or specifically my) profile.
I believe something simple but clear like “Intelligent, Thoughtful Women Seeking a Man who recognizes the importance and value of Female Authority.”
We are actively looking for you!
I would stay away from mentioning the word AUTHORITY. That word attracts men who need to be controlled and forced. A Loving FLR is never forced, the man willingly empowers the woman.
I have been looking for an FLR for over a year, no luck. I have tried Craigslist and Dating Sites. I believe demand is much greater than supply.
I have created a Loving FLR Matchmaking Service that you can try.