Where Does The Money Go When You Donate or Make a Purchase From This Site?

Loving FLR is growing!
We are in exciting times for this movement of introducing Loving FLRs to the masses. My goal is to introduce the idea that women should be the leaders of their relationships to people who would never have considered it.
Introducing the concept of establishing women as leaders of their relationships will awaken our future female leaders. Some women have never been taught to make their own rules. They don’t know they have the option to color outside the lines. In their quest to get life “right” they believe what others have told them about being obedient and subservient to men. A lot of women feel like victims in life, feeling frustrated because they don’t feel they can come out on top due to some imaginary force holding them back. They have no idea that the only thing holding themselves back, is the person in the mirror. Men do not have as much power as we think they do. They have as much power as we allow.
While I understand that not all women want to be leaders and some are simply not capable, I believe that introducing the concept of Loving Female Led Relationships will trigger a sense of confidence in all women and more female leaders will rise up as a result. If women are aware that they have more than one choice, they can make a more informed decision about their roles in life.
So we have to get to work. This movement will involve all of us joining together to spread the word about Loving FLRs so that women know they have more than one option in a relationship. They need to know that there are men who would gladly support and empower them and they do not have to be frustrated or trick men into offering them the lifestyle they want.
For those who have been through the transition from Conquer Him (With Love) to Loving FLR, I thank you and have reached out to those early subscribers to offer a special gift.
For those who have been patient as the site was hacked, as I changed my website designs and teachings and revised my coaching programs to make them stronger- Â I thank you.
For everyone who has made a donation, joined the Loving FLR Community or made a purchase in FLR Style, our online store- THANK YOU! Your support is noted and APPRECIATED.
If you are curious to know where your donations and profits from the store sales are going all you have to do is look around.
Expenses for Managing a Blog Business
Graphic design and logo development– I am not a designer at all. I have to pay people to work on the graphics you see here. Sometimes people volunteer but I rarely seem to find anyone who will actually complete the project they volunteered for.
Community Management– The Loving FLR Community is a platform that I pay for annually. I also pay for site maintenance in case there is an issue that I can not resolve. I did not create the platform myself. I had to outsource the task. I am not a tech person but running a community means learning how to recognize problems and troubleshoot them and respond to customer service issues.
Product Development– Writing each blog post, creating each product design and creating the classes, books, surveys and analysis you read here takes a lot of time. Each blog post may take an hour to write. The book took me 6 weeks to complete. Each course takes up to a week to create from concept to publishing. I pay designers to create the designs for the products in the online store.
Web Hosting– I pay for my domain annually and web hosting monthly.
Email List– Just capturing your emails creates a monthly bill. This is a newsletter service that I pay for and have had to take training to use.
Marketing – Each week I take time to reach out to publications, media outlets and other bloggers to ask them if I can write about Loving FLR on their platforms.
Website Design – I paid for this site design and I also pay people to tweak it for me when I cannot figure out how to do it myself.
Continuing Education – I take online classes to learn how to present this information professionally so that you will feel proud to be a part of this Community.
Materials – My laptop screen broke and I had to send it in for repair so that I can continue to do this work. It was gone for an entire week last week! Did you wonder where I was? That’s what happened!
Coaching Program– I have to pay for the platform we use to communicate privately each time I offer a coaching program or webinar.

Te-Erika Patterson
If this were an actual company a TEAM would handle all of my responsibilities. If this were a position in a company, for a portion of my responsibilities I would earn at least $60,000 according to Indeed. I do not earn even a third of this amount annually from this site yet.
I recently received a complaint and it pissed me off that someone would be so callous about the amount of effort, resources and time it takes to pull all of this together for you. This is not a machine creating this. I am a woman. I am a single woman living alone in Los Angeles with no friends, family or support. I work odd jobs to create additional income. I absolutely LOVE doing everything that I do and would not trade it for any cushy office in the world! I would NEVER!
I really wanted to break down the expenses and effort required to ensure that you are supported, entertained, educated and inspired. Aside from the administrative duties of managing this digital empire, the creative side of imagining the vision and deciding what to teach and how to teach it is just as valuable.
Where Does The Money Go When You Donate or Make a Purchase From This Site?
It goes back to you!
For everyone who has taken the reader survey and offered your feedback, advice and suggestions- I appreciate it sooo much! I have read every single suggestion and have already begun addressing them.
For the men who are reading and hoping for a Loving FLR, do realize that all of this work will benefit you. The more women I teach about this movement, the better your chances are of meeting someone who will partner with you to create the amazing relationship you fantasize about.
Well, I have to get up and out of here. I am working at a convention in Long Beach today so I won’t be able to respond to any emails or work on the site for the entire day. If you live in Los Angeles you may see me hosting or staffing an event or doing a beauty product demo at a store. One reader saw me having dinner at Denny’s and he said hello!
I appreciate having you in the Loving FLR Community.
Your support and participation are sincerely appreciated!
Thank you so much for your creation and thank you for sharing this information.. Wow! You have been working hard for us and I want to take a moment to say, THANK YOU . Thank you for putting your gifts, time, effort, and for putting yourself into creating our community.. i do feel happy to be here now and I enjoyed being part of conquerhim . I have grown so much and my eyes have been opened. I could go on and on sharing all I have learned and implimented into my life. You are a brave woman. You inspire me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
It’s a great site and we appreciate your efforts!
Well done.