Should Transgender Women Lead Loving Female Led Relationships?

Transgender women are women.
Women who lead Loving Female Led Relationships are not leading them through their vaginas, they are leading through their feminine power. Transgender women express their feminine power every day.
They are brave enough to stick a middle finger to a society that dictates how they should behave and interact and they decide to choose for themselves. Transgender women face ridicule, ostracism and abuse, yet they still walk in the truth of who they are boldly.
These are all traits that describe a transgender woman’s arsenal of feminine powers. These are also the same descriptors on every man’s wish list for a partner in a Loving Female Led Relationship.
Should transgender women lead Loving Female Led Relationships? Absolutely.
In fact, I once had a student in my Women’s Leadership Coaching Program who shared that her husband was acutely transgender. I use the word acutely because he did not express this side of himself to everyone, just her and a few friends. She shared that when he allowed himself to present his femininity he was happier than he ever was while attempting to live as a man.
After learning more about her during the coaching program we were able to discern that she was not a typical candidate for a Loving Female Led Relationship because she was in fact, submissive. She always followed his lead. She did not enjoy making decisions for herself or him. He had registered her for the course in hopes that she would learn more about how to be the Powerful woman that he wanted in his life.
Unsure of how to approach the truth of what I believed in my heart, I shared my opinion bluntly.
He wants you to become the woman that he is; the woman he will not accept fully. If you truly want a Loving Female Led Relationship try offering him a scheduled day of reverence for his feminine power and share with him that on that day he will be free to become she and SHE will express her femininity and you will serve and empower her. This may be the key to allowing you both to play the roles you truly want to play instead of being frustrated by expectations that do not empower either of you.
There are no set gender roles in Loving Female Led Relationships. Two women can engage in a Loving Female Led Relationship as long as one of them is the expressed leader. No woman should be coerced into leadership. If you are a transgender woman involved with a woman or a man who is not interested in leading the relationship, simply step up and take your rightful place as the leader.
Transgender is not woman is transgender. Transgender is not woman is transgender. As a man can conceal his corporeity for the desire to surrender, there is a transgender man outside the bodily process. Can not give birth to children, can not be a mother, because she is not a woman. Without external help, she is unable to maintain her feminine qualities. Must take hormones and drugs. Why? Transgender is not woman is transgender.
Well, no juliusz contrary to society’s frame to that of a person transitioning gender, the transgender person never actually changes their gender, they are changing their body to align with their gender. Defining any woman by her ability to give birth is incredibly insulting. There are many reasons and there are solutions such as adoption. Most all women do take hormone supplements. It is very common for women to have cosmetic surgery. Also, for transgender women, they can be a biological mother because 50% of their DNA goes to their child. Maybe giving birth was not an option as is the case for some women who have cesarean sections who are still mother’s. We should ask, what is role and why does gender or sex have anything to do with it? The roles are what you can decide and for a child, they only need their two loving parents no matter the configuration!